Hiya ramuh folk! I've come to conquer your server now that I am through with Bismarck. Ok thats not true :p Some friends from Bismarck started new chars on Ramuh, so I decided to tag along as a Taru-taru named Hurkon. I wont be deleting Gobo, so my appearances will be sporatic for a while Hope to see some of you around (your server is like 10 times better than Bismarck already, people are so nice) :D.
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Hello people of Ramuh!
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Re: Hello people of Ramuh!
Welcome to our server! ^^ Hope you enjoy it here. You can send me a /tell in came if you want to chat or play together... I've just returned so I'm still a lowbie right now. My Tarutaru's name is Momijii. I jump between WHM and MNK. I can't seem to get a pt as WHM in Valkurm Dunes lately thanks to all the PL's out there >.<; Anyways, hope you like it here, see you 'round!
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Re: Hello people of Ramuh!
Hello Gobo,
Welcome to Ramuh, the best place to play FFXI. I am a bit biased but arn't we all? Hehe, If you ever want to poke around or die a lot, let us know. We'll be happy to help you out in your adventures. Jyan~
~Osaka.~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~
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Re: Hello people of Ramuh!
Welcome to vanadiel ^^It's Official Promathia Hates me....
それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
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Re: Hello people of Ramuh!
Welcome to Ramuh ^^ I hope you enjoy your stay, you can /tell Niyume if you ever want to PT or chat. See you in-game!"In just refusing to retreat from something one gains the strength of two men" -Shungaku
Sig by Tsuko~
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Re: Hello people of Ramuh!
Originally posted by OsakaHello Gobo,
Welcome to Ramuh, the best place to play FFXI. I am a bit biased but arn't we all? Hehe, If you ever want to poke around or die a lot, let us know. We'll be happy to help you out in your adventures. Jyan~
(Btw taz, you were always one of my idols for both RDM and SMN :D)sigpic
PSN: goboaj (be my friend damnit)
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Re: Hello people of Ramuh!
Originally posted by Gobohehe i was the same way with bismarck, until the hyperinflation started. 60 mil for Heralds Gaiters, 8 mil for Hauby, 10 mil for SH. (No thanks.) Now i utterly refuse to lvl a melee on Bismarck cause of the overpricing of everything. Ramuhs economy seems so much better to bismarcks (your silent oil is cheap in compairison). Thank you all for the warm welcome. ^^
(Btw taz, you were always one of my idols for both RDM and SMN :D)
Thanks for the kind words and again welcome to Ramuh, come /poke me or Silent line anytime ^^.
Originally posted by GokulosOh, our Silent Oil are CHEAP? O.O
btw. Welcome ! ^.^ Have fun on the greatest server evaar!
/nods vehemently.It's Official Promathia Hates me....
それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
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BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage
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