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To Silent Lines

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  • To Silent Lines

    After a great amount of time and effort spent in SL, Kessa had decided to hang up her claws and announce her retirement. She will be a good little taru and settle down. To all of SL member, you will be missed greatly. I will never forget all the time i tenderize Triel, or the vast amount of time I spent to terrorize Sassy and P-chan.

  • #2
    Re: To Silent Lines

    We're going to miss you, Ooki Taru~. We had a lot of great memories and I will cherish them always. I hope you at least poke around the forums and stay in touch. You could even just leave POL on your computer and send me a message once in a while. I'd like that a lot. Good luck with the retirement and if you decide to ever come back, we'll welcome you back with open arms.

    Your P-chan,

    ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


    • #3
      Re: To Silent Lines

      Well, I never really got to meet ya in game... but I know you will be missed on SL.


      • #4
        Re: To Silent Lines

        See ya later you silly Taru Ill repost your videos soon ^^ it'll help keep the memory alive ^^
        /em dodges everything Kessa throws my way.
        /tosses Kessa a degree^^
        It's Official Promathia Hates me....
        それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
        A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

        BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


        • #5
          Re: To Silent Lines

          Koyu wishes you best of luck, but you better come back! We have to kill some baddies together ^_^ , { See you again! }

          - Koyu
          All you need is courage in your heart and hope in your eyes." Koyu


          • #6
            Re: To Silent Lines

            After much consideration, i felt that my place in ffxi had diminished. The temporarily break i thought i was taking turns out to be a permanent one. I loved Silent Line despite the fact that i had to constantly reacquire the pearl due to some drunken hume's screw up. I love the people in it. So please, consider everything i left a present, something to remember me by. So next time you put on the brown belt, remember the little taru that was the first NA to beat Maat in Ramuh, or if you wear the Amemit mantle +1, remember that it was that very cape that bought Kessa to her fame. Remember Kessa for she will always remember you.....


            • #7
              Re: To Silent Lines

              Nuuu... come back ; ;


              • #8
                Re: To Silent Lines

                Originally posted by Kessa
                After much consideration, i felt that my place in ffxi had diminished. The temporarily break i thought i was taking turns out to be a permanent one. I loved Silent Line despite the fact that i had to constantly reacquire the pearl due to some drunken hume's screw up. I love the people in it. So please, consider everything i left a present, something to remember me by. So next time you put on the brown belt, remember the little taru that was the first NA to beat Maat in Ramuh, or if you wear the Amemit mantle +1, remember that it was that very cape that bought Kessa to her fame. Remember Kessa for she will always remember you.....

                Awww Kessa.. Hopefulyl one day you can return, Just make sure to mark the day you left. SO you wont lose kessa forever incase you do decide to come back.
                Best wishes, Now i hve no one to slap around....looks at momiji evilly.
                It's Official Promathia Hates me....
                それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
                A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

                BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


                • #9
                  Re: To Silent Lines

                  Originally posted by tazirai
                  Awww Kessa.. Hopefulyl one day you can return, Just make sure to mark the day you left. SO you wont lose kessa forever incase you do decide to come back.
                  Best wishes, Now i hve no one to slap around....looks at momiji evilly.
                  o.O *runs behind Osaka* Save me >.<;


                  • #10
                    Re: To Silent Lines

                    why are you scared of Triel? just do what i do, put a taru doll in the Silent Line mog house and a bear trap, when Triel try to run to the taru doll, she'll be trapped. Just leap on her with claws and fangs and /tenderize her


                    • #11
                      Re: To Silent Lines

                      hmmm... you might have to come back to demonstrate that for me

