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Promathia no Jubaku~ <( @_@)>

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  • Promathia no Jubaku~ <( @_@)>

    Hey everyone,
    I have finaly decided to spend the money to import the Chains of Promathia expansion. Interesting thing though, the titles for Promathia are different from the NA version and the JP version. Im sure this has been covered elsewhere when it first came out, but I needed something to talk about for a post. Anyway, it seems the kanji (呪縛) Jubaku doesn't translate to the english word for Chain. It translates to Spell, as in a curse. So the JP title is actually Curse of Promathia. Interesting. ^ ^

    But, the main reason for this post is that I'm going to get CoP expansion as soon as Masamichi-san can get it to me. HURRAY~!!!

    ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~

  • #2
    Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

    Congratulations and enjoy. (>.<)b


    • #3
      Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

      Originally posted by Osaka
      Anyway, it seems the kanji (呪縛) Jubaku doesn't translate to the english word for Chain. It translates to Spell, as in a curse. So the JP title is actually Curse of Promathia. Interesting. ^ ^
      i never knew that the dictionary has 呪縛 as just "spell."

      in the Japanese dictionary (KOJIEN, 4th ed), 呪縛 is defined as;

      to restrict one's movement by spell.
      turns to also mean to take away one's mental freedom.

      although the original meaning of 呪縛 had things to do w/ curse, spells, or anything alike, in modern Japanese its meaning has slightly changed, and is now a lot closer to 束縛, or "restraint," without much regard to whether it's of curse or not, and is often used for the restraint of mental freedom. (physical restraint by curse is something we only find in the novel books or TV shows these days, and the word 呪縛 is seldom used for the physical restraint of movement.)

      so, "chain" isn't that much different from 呪縛 as far as what it really means is concerned. imo, it was a good choice of word that s-e made.

      at any rate, enjoy the CoP.


      • #4
        Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

        Wow, bside, that is a lot of information. Thanks for the clarfication. The only dictionaries I have are online and at home (so I could only use the online one at the time; I can't speak japanese with any fluency.) Also it was Masamichi-san who originally told me that the translation for Jubaku wasn't chain, which prompted me into looking up the translation. I find kanji so interesting as well as all modern communication as they are all symbols for ideas, and those ideas themselves change within the context of a generation.

        My Linkshell was been hounding me to get CoP so we can do the Promathia quests and whatnot. I'm so excited that I'm going to be getting it soon, so thanks, I will definately enjoy CoP very much. ^ ^v

        ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


        • #5
          Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

          Also enjoy Bibiki Bay from levels 64-74 ;.; [Long time] to be in one area, lol
          The Tao of Ren
          FFXIV LowRes Benchmark - 5011

          If we don't like something, collectively, if our hatred for it throbs like an abscess beneath every thread, does that mean that they're doing something right?
          Originally posted by Kaeko
          As hard as it may be, don't take this game or your characters too seriously. I promise you - the guys that really own your account don't.


          • #6
            Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

            Osaka talk to Sassy asap ^^
            It's Official Promathia Hates me....
            それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
            A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

            BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


            • #7
              Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

              Belive me - youll be enjoying CoP like nothing ^.^ The storyline, the quests, new areas - everything is soo cool I hope the new Expansion can keep up with that if it can't be better

              As for the title - I would say this transalation wouldn't be that bad. From the story point both seem to be accurate.
              ~~ Tarutaru~~


              • #8
                Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

                Yes, I am anticipating to have CoP in my little taru hands by Christmas, but I'll be putting it under my tree so I can actually have something to open on Christmas day. So expect me to be poking about and getting myself killed in the new zones come January~ ^ ^v
                ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


                • #9
                  Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

                  Ahh yes, forgot to add that CoP is a great place for those that like to die ^.^
                  Like Ulegurand Range(spelling)... I remember this one day when we were going to do ENM there and to do it you have to Climb up the zone 2 times, with Elementals, Bombs and True Sight Taurus all around and then slide correctly down the mountain or you have to start from beginning So that one day I died soo many times there that I lost like 10k exp. Die, recast reraise, die again after 10 min and so on all the way up lol. At some point I was just runing and sliding down with like 10 mobs on me. >.<;
                  ~~ Tarutaru~~


                  • #10
                    Re: Promathia no Jubaku~ &lt;( @_@)&gt;

                    Sounds like fun, I've yet to experience anything CoP...

