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Zilart/ CoP/ Mission 5-2 Gathering

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  • Zilart/ CoP/ Mission 5-2 Gathering

    Okay, so maybe my return to these forums was a shaky one (I bumped two year old threads by accident, didn't see the date).

    But aside the point, I am wanting to get people who are wanting to work with me on a CoP party. Want to try to get as many missions done as I can, and I can't do them alone.

    So if anyone is interested in helping me with Mission 5-2 (San d'Oria): "The Shadow Lord", please do tell. I also want to try to get the Chapter 2 Missions in Chains of Promathia done, with anyone interested in helping me.

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  • #2
    Re: Zilart/ CoP/ Mission 5-2 Gathering

    Originally posted by Moaku Hyena
    Okay, so maybe my return to these forums was a shaky one (I bumped two year old threads by accident, didn't see the date).

    But aside the point, I am wanting to get people who are wanting to work with me on a CoP party. Want to try to get as many missions done as I can, and I can't do them alone.

    So if anyone is interested in helping me with Mission 5-2 (San d'Oria): "The Shadow Lord", please do tell. I also want to try to get the Chapter 2 Missions in Chains of Promathia done, with anyone interested in helping me.

    send me a tell ingame my ls needs to get chapter 2 done also so mayeb we can alliance up, this weekend mayeb sunday.
    let me know and ill speak to the ls about it.
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