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Ramuh Citizen Directory

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  • Ramuh Citizen Directory

    Name: Triel/Riesa
    Favored Job:Summoner
    Favored Activities:Dieing uselessly while exploring.
    /slapping Mong and Xythalia. Doing to dangerous for me things ^^.
    Linkshells:Silent Line(leader) IMT(first LS) and a host of others
    Normal playtimes.10pm-1am weeknights, all day sunday

    Quote" To err on the side of good is good. To die uselessly is also good ^^"
    It's Official Promathia Hates me....
    それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
    A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

    BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage

  • #2
    Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

    Name: Xythalia / Xyhime
    Favored Job: BST and RNG
    Favored Activities: Laughing at a dead Triel. Escort quests and ENMs.
    Linkshells: SilentWinds, SilentLine, TDC, and IMT
    Normal playtimes: Whenever I'm free!

    Quote: "JP only! {I don't speak Japanese}"
    75 Bst / 75 Whm / 75 Brd / 75 RNG/ 70 Mnk


    • #3
      Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

      Name: Zutto/Berzerk(mule)
      Favored Job: SAM
      Favored Activities: arguing in LS and asking questions
      Linkshells: Farscapeone
      Normal playtimes: hmm alot

      Quote: "Hates to be the same; Scared to be different"


      • #4
        Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

        I'll bite, it seems that nobody I know has been on all this week and I had so much free time to play ; ;. Its always when I don't have free time that everyone seems to get on and do stuff. So, here's a go:

        Name: Poppitoppi (Osaka to those who knew me when FFXI just started in JP). ^ ^
        Favored Job: RDM 40 or SMN 20 (<== still needs to do a summon tour)
        Favored Activities: Anything (non PT Level up) that requires a group of people and I not being baggage. I LOVE EXPLORING... (I get KO a lot from it but is fun.)
        Linkshells: SilentLine
        Normal playtimes:Weekday evenings around 9pm till I pass out. Approximately 12:30am.

        If you see me on, say hi. ( ^ ,^)v

        PS: Where are you Silent Line? Im lonely. =P
        Last edited by Osaka; 07-19-2005, 04:49 PM.
        ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


        • #5
          Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

          Name: Kurgan
          Favored Job: Beastmaster or White Mage
          Favored Activities: AF and Genkai quests, BCNMs, powerleveling "myself" (alternate character)
          Linkshells: TrionsDeathCrew, BeastmastersofRamuh, FinalStrike
          Normal playtimes: Weekday evenings and weekends (eastern time)
          Kurgan @ Ramuh
          NIN75, PLD75, BST75, WHM75
          TrionsDeathCrew linkshell leader
          Ranks: Sandoria(10) Bastok(9) Windurst(8)
          On ZM14, CoP missions completed.
          Leather 92.8+1, Cloth 60, Smithing 45, Alchemy 27


          • #6
            Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

            Originally posted by Osaka
            PS: Where are you Silent Line? Im lonely. =P
            Shhhh!!! we're being Silent....
            It's Official Promathia Hates me....
            それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
            A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

            BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


            • #7
              Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

              i havent seen any of you guys on on. o.o


              • #8
                Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                Name: Gokulo
                Favored Job:Red Mage
                Favored Activities:Hanging out with friends in different areas just to make too stron train for me and die. Picking on Divayth!
                Linkshells:Crazy Chocobos(my first LS, polish onry!(I know Estya like our Beer;o), SW(StillWaiting LS, sometimes reffered as SilentWinds too)
                Normal playtimes: Hard to tell lately ; ;

                Quote: "Ooops... I suppose this was too much for me."
                ~~ Tarutaru~~


                • #9
                  Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                  Name : Valega
                  Favored Job : Red Mage
                  Favored Activities : Anything that doesn't involve sitting in Jeuno
                  Linkshells : OceansBlue, DynamisProject
                  Normal playtimes : Some evenings, weekends. (UK time)


                  Edit (25-11-05) : Updated Linkshells
                  Edit (28-02-06) : Updated Linkshells Again
                  Last edited by Kafeen; 12-31-2006, 03:56 PM.


                  • #10
                    Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                    Name: Kessa (aka: fat mnk, kessi, along another few fat joke names)
                    Favored Job: MNK
                    Favored Activities: doing mission
                    Linkshells: MonsterDawn, OceanBlue, SilentLine
                    Normal playtimes: whenever i could get on, between or after or before studying time :D
                    Quote: "RAWRRRRRRRRRRR"


                    • #11
                      Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                      I'm expanding this a little because I'm BORED...

                      Character: Sharmarali (pronounced shar - muh - RAH - lee)
                      Prefered nickname: Shar, not Sharm..
                      Race: Elvaan
                      Gender: Female
                      Nation: Bastok (rank 10 all nations, original nation Sandoria - permanent home, Bastok)
                      Zilart missions: All cleared (Burier of the Illusion)
                      Promathia missions: Sadly, I'm on chapter 2
                      Main Job: 73 Summoner
                      Other jobs of interest: 75 Red Mage, 62 Warrior
                      Linkshells: TrionsDeathCrew, IronMaidenTroopers, VagrantDominion
                      Highest Craft Level: 95 Cooking
                      Fun fact: I've retired from HNMing THREE separate times... Sooner or later, you'd think I'd learn that it's not for me...
                      Current goal: Summoner to 75 ... After that, I might finish my WAR or I might pick out another job (leaning toward PLD) and raise that for the heck of it
                      Normal Playtimes: Evenings & Weekends, although I haven't been playing all that much lately
                      Favored activities: Umm.. I dunno... Sometimes I like to hang out in Jeuno and watch shouts just because I find it so entertaining. Sometimes I like to go kill stuff for fun and profit while chatting with my LS. Sometimes I like to find people to help and go help them with stuff they wouldn't be able to do on their own. Sometimes I like to go solo something I shouldn't be soloing just to prove to myself that I can do it. Sometimes I like to skill up cooking. ::shrug:: Every day is a new adventure. But I NEVER turn down a fenrir fight.. lmao
                      Quote: "uha?"
                      Quotes said by others: "OMG Shar has HAIR?!"
                      召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
                      San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed


                      • #12
                        Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                        Name: Koski (aka |Tachi:Koki| )
                        Favored Job: BST
                        Favored Activities: Sitting in Jeuno.
                        Linkshell: TrionsDeathCrew.
                        Normal playtime: Evening to late night (EU time)


                        • #13
                          Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                          My turn

                          Character: Ini
                          Race: Hume
                          Gender: Male
                          Nation: Bastok
                          Main Job: PLD/WAR 67
                          Other jobs of interest: THF/NIN 43, NIN/WAR 34.
                          Linkshells: TheNightsWatch
                          Current goal: PLD to 75 and want to get THF and NIN 60+
                          Normal Playtimes: Evenings & Weekends GMT ; ;
                          Favored activities: Doing LS activities, Skilling up, making money, soloing with THF, Sleeping and gardening.
                          Last edited by Ini; 08-24-2005, 04:54 AM.
                          NIN 75/WAR 37 PLD 73/WAR 36 THF 67/NIN 33 MNK43/WAR 21

                          Ramuh Bastok Rank 10

                          The Nights Watch!



                          • #14
                            Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                            Hi guys that I don't know ^ ,^)v. We should get together in game some time to get to know each other. We could set up a FFXIOnline/Ramuh event (PT/Alliance). Thoughts?

                            Post them at this link here. :

                            I don't want the citicen directory to be overrun with chatter.
                            Last edited by Osaka; 07-27-2005, 04:54 PM.
                            ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


                            • #15
                              Re: Ramuh Citizen Directory

                              Name: Freckles/Zenizie
                              Favored Job: White Mage/Warrior
                              Favored Activities: cheering LS people on raids, raising every job at the same time, and running across Vana at <lvl10 jobs
                              Linkshells: IMT and Silent Line, occasional visitor to PG
                              Normal playtimes: I try to come on at least a few times during the week, and then devote at least one day on the weekends.
                              Quote: "I swear, I'll choose one job and one character to level this time............eventually....."

