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I don't know what to do...I really don't like Ramuh...

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  • I don't know what to do...I really don't like Ramuh...

    I forget why I originally joined ramuh, I think it was cause before the game came out in the u.s., I had friends that were supposed to go to the same server, but ended up not even going there. Some went to midgardsormr, which kinda screwed me over. Before, I had alot of people to meet, new game, people wanted to get to know new people, and I was the same way.

    Over the months though, it's just, the more some people lved up, the more cocky they became, and were too good to play with a low lv like me or something. I've gone through so many linkshells also, linkshells that would seem to be propering, and then if I don't play the game for like a week, or like recently, i couldn't even play FFXI for a month...the linkshells I had, would be broken, or no one would be in them anymore. No one is sticking together. and all the HNM, or BCNM linkshells, I don't get invited to, because it seems you always gotta know someone to get in them. But these days, I don't know ANYONE on ramuh!

    It's a real sucky feeling when you're running around an online game to play with other people, and you're not friends with any of em. Plus, this server just seems so crowded these days. Can't go anywhere, without it being way too overflooded with people. That's kinda what makes it feel more lonely to me, so many people, and I don't know any of em, and most of em are already preoccupied with the friends they have.

    I really wanna play FFXI, but I'm just really feeling like I'm in a rut. I know no one, I don't have any linkshells, I don't know what job to do, because I have no gil to buy any armor for any of them. Having no gil is another story completely. I gave my friend the majority of my gil, for something in real life in return. But because he gained a bug up his ass, and felt that 175k in gil was not worth buying me a video game, he didn't get me nothing, and I was still gilless.

    I hunt NMs occasionally, but I really don't know how some people can stand hunting them so much, it's so boring, and frustrating when you don't get mob, or the drop. I have well over 230 beastman seals, but because I don't friggin know anyone, I can never get a party going for a BCNM40, because I would love to cash in on all the gil that they have to make! I used to be in a linkshell, that would constantly scheadule BCNM fights, and everytime, I'd ask to be in one, and I'd get left out.

    /sigh, now I know I'm starting to ramble, and rant, but I really just don't know what to do. I'm at a point where I don't know what job to even undertake. I'd like to continue my lv50 samurai, but because I have no gil to get any armor, or a new weapon, that seems kinda hard to do. I've tried lving my lv15 theif, this pic I saw once, valkurm dunes = hell. Nothing but people who don't have a subjob, and often can't organize a party properly, and they end up breaking up after 1-2 fights. My mage jobs I've considered, but they're expensive to manage themselves, and i don't have the gil to do it.

    anyway, feel free to share your thoughts on what I have said. or share your feelings on your server, or if you're on ramuh as well.

  • #2
    Next time you log on send me a tell to Titaneous I have a wonderful friendly lnikshell the NMHunters we need more people who want to hunt NM with us just tell me what time and time zone you will be logged on


    • #3
      I'm logged on right name's Ockman


      • #4
        You said Ramuh was too crowded but I've been to places in the 30 range where my PT was the only one there for XP. The problem is I have only been able to convince one PT of english players to go there, as 99% of my NA peers are just a bunch of lazy ... that just want to put their flag up in the field or dungeon closest to Jeuno.

        I brought this up becuase I just left a Garlaige PT after dieing from some one elses train of Citidel bats and Borer Beetles. Then I tell my PT I can find us a better place to hunt and I look up Mystery tour, it says that Sea Serpent Grotto is still good for our level and the Necropolis as well. Then half of them said, "lolz that 2 far i stayn here." Then they proceeded to whine and ***** that Ramuh&Garlaige are too crowded.

        Guess I just wanted to join in the rant. I'm thinking of leaving too, not just Ramuh but the game. I remember how great FFXI looked when I wasn't playing and just reading importer's journals. Now I have it and the community that speaks my language makes it suck, just like all the other MMO's I've played.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Murasame
          You said Ramuh was too crowded but I've been to places in the 30 range where my PT was the only one there for XP. The problem is I have only been able to convince one PT of english players to go there, as 99% of my NA peers are just a bunch of lazy ... that just want to put their flag up in the field or dungeon closest to Jeuno.

          I brought this up becuase I just left a Garlaige PT after dieing from some one elses train of Citidel bats and Borer Beetles. Then I tell my PT I can find us a better place to hunt and I look up Mystery tour, it says that Sea Serpent Grotto is still good for our level and the Necropolis as well. Then half of them said, "lolz that 2 far i stayn here." Then they proceeded to whine and ***** that Ramuh&Garlaige are too crowded.

          Guess I just wanted to join in the rant. I'm thinking of leaving too, not just Ramuh but the game. I remember how great FFXI looked when I wasn't playing and just reading importer's journals. Now I have it and the community that speaks my language makes it suck, just like all the other MMO's I've played.

          You sir have made what ive told others true.. people dont like new or danger they like safe and easy...

          Since promathia I musta lost about 20k exp exploring new and doing missions. Thats where I get my Joy in FFXI. but even with new areas. people wont go to .. and sorry to say it.. its mostly NA .. They just dont want to travel.
          It's Official Promathia Hates me....
          それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
          A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

          BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


          • #6
            You're not missing anythign amaizing. I got in a few Japanese parties, went to Eledieme one night, it was a total desaster. Went to Monstrac Cavern the next, not so bad, we did alright but it wasn't amaizing. Nice to exp somewhere new for a change though, only thing I'd used Monstac for before that was getting Magicite.


            • #7
              Re: I don't know what to do...I really don't like Ramuh...

              Well, it does get boring leveling in the SAME places. Who's idea was it to level exclusively in those places anyhoo?

              And yeah, I've been through some LSes. My favorite one disbanded randomly, but at least the one I am in lasts longer.

              We are in a big-ass world. Just level up in OTHER places. I remember getting the joy of EXPing in places like Eldime Necropolis and the Labrynth of Onzozo. There are more levels to Upper Delkfutt's tower than just one. You can EXP in Buribumu Peninsula; it has the same mobs as Valkurm dunes.
              Almost four years experience playing FFXI. I am a Raccoon, not a Hyena--despite my name states I am one.

              Get creative and pretend these happened.
              Flaremoogles! Maester Hare HNM Fight! Charmander HNM!



              • #8
                Re: I don't know what to do...I really don't like Ramuh...

                ... PLEASE stop bumping threads that are over a year old.

                The previous post before yours Maoku was by Kafeen on 10-01-2004. That's 1 day short of a year ago.



