Don't know if anyone will reply, but my PLD is looking for a set PT. Reply, PM /t Lede if yoou have a job 50-55 and interested. Of course it wont be a 50-55 PT... if the highest person who is interested is 54 for example, we will let all the other members get to 54 first then start the PT. My time zone is PST and can PT from 4pm-9-10ish pm PSTweekdays and anytime weekends.
Looking for:
~RNG,DRK, MNK, any type of melee dmg dealer
~RDM or BRD, possibly smn
maybe if we dont get a whole set PT, we can get pick-up people ((((゜д゜))), but a full PT is prefered (^-^
Looking for:
~RNG,DRK, MNK, any type of melee dmg dealer
~RDM or BRD, possibly smn
maybe if we dont get a whole set PT, we can get pick-up people ((((゜д゜))), but a full PT is prefered (^-^