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Fighting Dragon in Windurst for Rank3

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  • Fighting Dragon in Windurst for Rank3

    I'm running with a 21war/10rdm, and also have another friend on 21blm/10whm looking for a few more pt members to fight the Windurst Dragon.

    RDM and WHM are a must

    Heard the battles not that bad, but i'd like to be prepaired.
    We'll be going in on it on 1/20/2004 around 9am AZ time.

    If mages or fighters needs foods, I Don't mind helping out.

    Also, make sure your mission is for the Windurst Dragon and not for San D..

    We already took a PT out to find out that the WHM and a war couldn't fight with us... waste of three hours.

    Anyone interested?

    (if anything falls through, i'll let you know a day ahead of time.)

    EDIT: BLM and myself will be heading out from the Chocobo stables in Bastok. I do not mind meeting up with people in Jeuno or Windurst.


  • #2
    oo how exciting (;

    Edit: Well i see this is going nowhere fast..

    Thanks to all that looked i guess:p



    • #3
      When you say be sure that it's Windurst Dragon do you mean the one that requires the Dark Key to get to the BC in Giddeus? I'm from Bastok and my Rank3 Dragon is near Windurst, but I'm not sure if there is another one there if you came from a different starting city.

      Anyhow if you haven't completed this yet and you need a WHM I'm willing to help you out. I also play in the mornings and could use help taking down the dragon.


      • #4
        windurst is sandoria dragon i belive even thought the 20th has come and gone. If you need help shoot me a mail in pol im on ramuh as you can see we are busy preparing for ziraat m4 but send me a mail and ill see what i can do.
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        • #5
          We got it done (=

          But I appreciate the replies.

          Actually fought the thing twice to help out some friends, the fight went way faster than i expected.

          Had a couple highlvl JP players help us out the second time so three of my friends could get rank.

          If anyone still needs help taking this thing out in Giddeus, I'm more than happy to make the trip, As i need screenshots cause i forgot to take them both times. :sweat:



          • #6
            Aye Giddeus is the one I need to kill also. Is it the type of encounter where you need to be at the level restriction to have a shot, or can it be done as low as 20?


            • #7
              You can do it at lvl 20 i'd believe.

              I always went in with capped players and myself, so the fight was pretty quick. I swear i blinked and it was over.

              Just make sure you take out the eye first, then go for the dragon.
              Wouldn't hurt to use up 2hrs as well just in case. Since i was running with war, i activated my 2hr as soon as the eye died.

              If you need any help with this shoot me a /tell raexn if i'm on, and i'll help ya out. I've always got a blm with me at the same lvl so its not a problem, and i'm in wind right now anyways.



              • #8
                I need some help aswell, its been a few days now and i still need to kill the Windursten Dragon. Send me a message or a /t to Zedro if you are willing to help a fellow Ramuh-an....yeah. :sweat:
                Name: Zedro
                Race: Elvaan/Male
                Job: PLD/WAR
                Level: 50/25
                Server: Ramuh
                Linkshell:BCNMAssassins, ShadowKnights, Revolution, DWT etc.

                Status of import: Cancelled!!~
                Status of NA : Active


                • #9
                  I killed the Giddeus dragon awhile ago and yesterday I helped my friend kill the Bastok dragon. WE had a part of 5 but our Rdm and Blm couldn't go through so there was only 3 (Nin[me], War, and War 25,25,24) One of the Wars did die cause me and the other one were asleep and he got the aggro ><

                  But otherwise its easy.

                  ~~~~ FFXI Photographs ~~~~

