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Ramuh community site, silly or good idea? Input needed.

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  • Ramuh community site, silly or good idea? Input needed.

    It's a bit of time that an idea is roaming in my mind...
    Unfortunately (or fortunately for some reasons) Final Fantasy XI is divided in lots of servers, and this makes a little difficult to create socially active communities using the support of general sites (after all you will never play with 28/29th of the players that play FFXI and come to theese sites... actually this is the bigger regret i have about this game..)
    From my UOL experience i've learned that player created initiatives and events help adding a whole new dimension to the game, and new experiences beyond the usual exping routine.
    Not to mention the fact that they help socializing with people that otherwise you would never meet around the vast world of Vana'diel.
    Are they fun? My personal answer is: Yes.
    Army sized hunts, organized regional conquest, beauty contests, fishing contests, synthetizing giveaways, fireworks festivals, social meetings, screenshots contests and archieves... there are no limits to what can be organized with a good support...

    Where can we find such a support? Easy: on a server site.
    What would be a server site? A site dedicated only to Ramuh (The only NA language one i found is for the Alexander server), in wich every player organized event can be posted in an organic and orderly fashon, giving it the right spotlights to grant the necessary partecipation.
    A place in wich we can post our favourite screenshots and look at the ones our friends post... How many times you visited a FFXI site and looked at the pictures... and the only flaw in this was that you didn't know anything about the people you saw? How many times you wanted to show everyone your victories, but you knew that posting the pictures on a normal site, the most part of people that would see theese pictures wouldn't even know who you are?
    With this new site we would be able to post pictures and look at the ones each one of us would post... and when we meet in the game we could say: "Hey! I know you, you're the one that beaten that big dragon and posted that neat picture!".
    Again, the possibilities are infinite...
    A beauty (and wits) contest between our lovely girls in Vana'diel? We could do that.
    Filling the castle D'Oraguille's halls with a big dancing party? We could do that.
    A fireworks festival on the boat from muhara to Selbina for someone's birthday? Nothing easier than that! A newspaper based on OUR server, with OUR events? YEAH! Wouldn't it be great?!
    For instance i know that kaelenae is planning to organize Chocobo racing on our server, wouldn't it be nice to be able to properly spotlight it? Giving the winners the proper glory they deserve?
    I would like so much, to wake up everyday, surf to a site and look at what events are scheduled for that day...
    All of this, and much more can be done, but it's no small undertaking. I can do part of the job, but there's NO WAY i can do that alone. The most help we get on this the better it will come out.
    Basically everyone can help, web designers, artists, writers, event organizers, moderators, news gatherers... and maybe even japanese translators (that would help to merge the japanese and NA communities, that as of now are a bit parted...) There would be a place for everyone willing to help...
    The decision will be based on how much feedback i have on this and how many peopl,e are willing to help. I won't undertake this task alone, but i gladly will if people will be interested and helpful.
    Let's add a new dimension to our server and a lot of fun to our gaming nights!

    EDIT: I've already found a lot of people willing to contribute with art, articles and the like, but everyone will be welcome, expecially i still need an experienced web designer and i would really really like someone able to translate the text part to japanese. owner.
    Abriael's profile

  • #2
    It sounds like a good idea, but also a lot of work. From my experience in EQ, server sites didn't go off that well. Most of the sites were devoted to a specific guild (or linkshells in FFXI) instead of the server itself.

    Good idea, but since this forum is already devoted to Ramuh, I'm not sure it will get much more publicity then this already does.


    • #3
      So far we managed to gather a good team, expecially on web designing, we'll have a meeting on it today on irc.
      We still need everyone that would like to contribute though (the more we are the less workload weighs on anyone's shoulders), expecially someone ale to translate the english contnt of the site in japanese. owner.
      Abriael's profile


      • #4
        I think it would be a good idea if you could actually get the Ramuh players to all know about the site and visit it regularly. If you can't get the word out, it won't get much activity. Honestly, there onlyseems to be a HANDFUL of people that at least post here in the Ramuh forum on

        I think if there was any way to do it, it would be great if the motd ("<Welcome to Ramuh>") could include the URL if it were an "official" Ramuh community site. You would probably have to coordinate that with Square Enix if they'd even do it. That would at least get everyone on Ramuh aware of the site. The only other way to do it is to try to spread the word in the game.. that would take some work.
        Kurgan @ Ramuh
        NIN75, PLD75, BST75, WHM75
        TrionsDeathCrew linkshell leader
        Ranks: Sandoria(10) Bastok(9) Windurst(8)
        On ZM14, CoP missions completed.
        Leather 92.8+1, Cloth 60, Smithing 45, Alchemy 27


        • #5
          I have some hooks with square and that will be sure tried, otherwise i'll just spread the word in hgame. Work on the site has already begun (we managed to gather a good team) and a not yet functional core of it can be seen on when it will be ready at least to begin we'll begin to really pubblicize it.

          Abriael's profile


          • #6
            Re: Ramuh community site, silly or good idea? Input needed.

            looks very nice, are there any plans for a message boards? and if so who are you going to use?


            • #7
              Re: Ramuh community site, silly or good idea? Input needed.

              Umm... Look at the date... "01-21-2004, 10:38 AM" This is a 20 month old thread...

              Title: Sergeant Major
              SAM75, RNG75, PUP75, PLD60, My NPC65
              Bastok Rank 10, San d'Oria Rank 10, Windurst Rank 10
              Missions: Completed/Zilart Completed/CoP Completed/ToAU: Playing the Part-Sergeant Major
              Midgardsormr|Cactuar (MNK51)


              • #8
                Re: Ramuh community site, silly or good idea? Input needed.

                Originally posted by Pyromancian
                looks very nice, are there any plans for a message boards? and if so who are you going to use?
                There used to be one. The site went down a while ago and isn't fully back yet.

