I currently am on Fenrir but am looking for a great LS. Anything with the word Iron Maiden has to be great. You seem to be the best linkshell I've read of so far. You guys have postions open ?
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Is the wonderfull Iron Maiden Troopers recruiting ?
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At the moment, our leader isn't allowing any more new members. We already have 50-60 members on at varying times, so for now IMT isn't taking any new people. Some IMT members have started their own Linkshells though and took in some new players, and as far as I know still recruiting.
FinalAlliance - started by Pengin
MithranArmy - all Mithra, started by Kelenae
TaruHullabaloo - all Taru, started by my secondary character Tumbleweed
TDC (Trion's Death Crew) - started by Balth
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TaruHullabaloo - I've been wanting to join this for two weeks, looks AWESOME !
If you would take me I'd be happy to join , I would just need a World Pass and a notification of what jobs are needed. Even if I can make whatever I want , I still might want to pick something helpfull if accepted. Taru Power ! (Watch out Spice Girls)
Now I see you use the japanese client , is that a problem since I have the NA version ?
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Unfortunately, as SA said, IMT is closed by command of our leader, Met~
However, I have a LS to help NA players, and frequent guest appearances by IMT ppl occur lol.
Plus I am still an active member in IMT, and you are more than welcome to be a part of our LS if you so desire....so if you still want a WP let me know~ send email to mark@alliit.com (no i don't care about posting my email i get 5,000,000 spam msgs a day anyways), and I will get you a WP.NIN-54/THF-30/WAR-28/WHM-20/SMN/SAM/DRG/BST
"We are Homer of Borg. Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilate--ooh, donuts!"
Iron Maiden Troopers (IMT)
Trion's Death Crew (TDC)
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Right now my LS is excepting mithra's.. but there are exeptions reguarding sposes heheKelenae - Ramuh - Mithra Female - Windurst Rank 10 - Gone?
Dirtha - Taru Taru Female - Windurst Rank 2 - Gone?
www.twitter.com/kelenaev (|Please check it|)
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Gunlex has a LS too.. But I'm not exactly sure as to the name of it and whether he's actively recruiting.召75|吟75|黒75|赤75|戦72|白60|獣40|忍37| 暗37|シ37|ナ32|侍30|モ30|竜21|青14||か8| 狩7|コ7
San D'oria: Rank 10 | Windurst: Rank 10 | Bastok: Rank 10 | Cooking: 97 | Zilart - Completed | CoP - Completed
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