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Poppie breaks 30~

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  • Poppie breaks 30~

    No, not my age. I finally got ahold of some free time on a weekend and instead of doing what I originally planned, which was to help someone lvl, Balth invited me to a PT. I then ended up PTing with him and gained a lvl, which made me a lvl 28WHM. There was some bad luck and I died twice in a row, so I didn't make it to lvl 29.

    The next day I did alot of house work and decided to spend the rest of the day on FFXI before work Monday morning. As soon as i logged on, waved to Estya n Reihn I think.. or.. hrmm.. my memory isnt that good. I do remember both of them disconnecting while I was still in Jueno, I got invited to a PT. Luckily my horrible japanese won me a spot and they let me in. I then went out to Batallia and gained a lvl to 29. Raised a PT member n generally kepted them all alive with the help of Select-san.
    After that PT was over, I tried to peddle some of my crystals, which by the way are still available and do give discounts on AH prices. Another japanese player, whom knew no english asked me to PT. Again my horrible japanese won me a spot and they were very kind. The PT started off in a jumble, not knowing what was going on, untill I figgured out we were meeting in the Chobi stables. Wierd place to meet, but we then got chobi's and went off to Davoi. I got lost on the way, not knowing where we were going, and Rooks-san kindly found me and lead me to our destination. After we got set up in a nice spot, the PT started off with a bang and was comletely awsome.
    The PT was set up such. (I think)WAR-Alvien-san NIN-Rooks-san NIN-Cactus-san SMN-Yossi-san SMN-Malonpafe-san WHM-me.
    I quickly broke lvl 30 and am half way to lvl 31. The PT lasted untill 2:30am, which is way past my bedtime, but totally worth it. If I ever see these friendly people again I would gladly PT with them, even though I couldnt read half of what they typed. I think the best part of it was the two SMN who amazed me with the summons they had. Here are alot of pics (half sized to save memory) of stuff that went on. Enjoy~
    ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~

  • #2
    Morning Breaks

    Okay.. maybe not. The images I prepared are too big. >.< And making them any smaller will ruin what Im trying to show. I will try again later.
    Attached Files
    ~No song is good without... Oh, cake, Yum!!~


    • #3
      ‚¨‚ß‚Å‚Æ‚¤ Poppi~!
      Gunlex -


      • #4
        Ome Poppi ^^

        I will post the pics soon; probably tomorrow evening.

        the Taru headlock pics came out well ^^

        "We are Homer of Borg. Resistance is Futile. You will be assimilate--ooh, donuts!"
        Iron Maiden Troopers (IMT)
        Trion's Death Crew (TDC)



        • #5
          Yay for Poppi~

          Yay! Now, you can finally start BRD ^^ Hehe, so long ago it was that I was using your thread to register my copy of the game ^^ Well, look forward to the future of poppi as BRD ^^
          戦士:75 モンク:75 白魔道士:36 黒魔道士:37 赤魔道士:7 シーフ:57
          ナイト:7 暗黒騎士:39 狩人:7 吟遊詩人:7 獣使い:7 侍:62
          忍者:37 竜騎士:7 召喚士:63 青魔道士:26 コルセア:8 からくり士:7


          • #6

            NE!! OSAKA OMEDETOUgozaimasu....

            Yokatta ne!!
            Now we can do many quests and you can power level me hehehe..
            It's Official Promathia Hates me....
            それは公式である,プロマシア は私を憎む。
            A Summoners Journey (The Live Journal) >>>> A Summoners Journey the Movie

            BecomingThe Movie: The tale of the Journey of a Blue Mage


            • #7
              Ome Poppi~ ^_^

              Rhyssa - Female TaruTaru - 10BLM/5WAR - San d'Oria - IronMaiden Troopers

              Kitasha - Mithra - 7WHM/4THF - Windurst - Crystal Guardians

              Gabrielle - Hume Female - 8WAR - Bastok

