Hey all,
Firstly will introduce myself, my names Tom, im 19 and I live in England... and im new here!
Basically got a bit bored of WoW after playing it for around 2 and a half years and fancied a change so i decided to buy FFxi Online.
It seems this game isn't like WoW at all and im in need of some help
. I tried finding some beginners guides but none was really any help to me and tbh, im not big on reading, basically i've been leveling a white mage and been leveling by killing bumblebees and such picking up their crystals and selling those on the AH to get me some cash to get new skills.
Anyways just wondering if anyone here is willing to help a noob to this game out, also looking for a leveling buddy since here it seems you need to group to level unlike WoW.
If you are willing to help and/or level with me. feel free to pm me ingame: Xeni
Also my playtimes at the moment can pretty much be all day ^^
- Tom
P.s. Have ventrilo and not afraid to talk! ^_~
Firstly will introduce myself, my names Tom, im 19 and I live in England... and im new here!
Basically got a bit bored of WoW after playing it for around 2 and a half years and fancied a change so i decided to buy FFxi Online.
It seems this game isn't like WoW at all and im in need of some help
Anyways just wondering if anyone here is willing to help a noob to this game out, also looking for a leveling buddy since here it seems you need to group to level unlike WoW.
If you are willing to help and/or level with me. feel free to pm me ingame: Xeni
Also my playtimes at the moment can pretty much be all day ^^
- Tom
P.s. Have ventrilo and not afraid to talk! ^_~