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A Veteran's Outlook.

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  • A Veteran's Outlook.

    Where to start.. this is going to be long and drawn out im sure. Many of you know i dont play anymore.

    NA Release, what's that 2.5 years's ago roughly? Well anyways i walked into EB picked the game up. Never would realize what an impact it would have on my life after that point. (how sad is that). Went home, installed it, and put it on the lowest settings because my computer sucked. Started playing, BLM1 no sub. Great, i didnt really understand BLM till about level mid 30's lol.

    Around level 35 i met someone named Decland, many of you remember him im sure. But he was one of my first real friends in the game. He got me into "Liberifatali". Which at that point was merely a chat shell with a few core members, Odyne, Whimsical, Someah, Feyda, Guerrant, Raiyu, Cresenda, and Daelen. The sackholder. Now this LS became a family to me, like no other. These people would help out with whatever, no questions asked. That's something i truly missed about the game. Anyways..

    Level 40's..i started playing Ninja. Loved it.. Leveled it gimp somewhat, (cmon this was 2 years ago). And LiberFatali had its issues, people leaving to go to other shells because they wanted to do endgame, even though we were supposed to get there someday. Which is nearly impossible when all your high levels leave. Anywho, we were a strong shell, with amazing players.

    I continuted leveling ninja as much as i could afford, and finally got it to 75. I then started getting to the point where the game was controlling my life. What brings us to this game to cancel IRL plans and stare at a screen for 10 hours. (Im not hating on the game, im pointing out facts). I loved this game more than some of my friends IRL which became an issue and I noticed it.

    So i quit for awhile, and eventually came back like everyone does. LiberFatali was in pieces and most members joined Lemonade. A Melon transformation. Zenmetsu, And TheCalm were the power NA HNM LS's. (Another very dedicated and talented bunch of players). I then got sucked back into the game. What makes us play, pixels? Friend interactions? What is it that draws us to the game? And keeps us coming back day after day. Logging in every day to get our guild points, for items that would boost our craft levels.

    Then the game became a grind. The fighting over claims with both the JP shells, and NA. Everyone hating eachother because someone claimed something, then you had to listen to "OMG YOU BOT YOU BOT CHEATER" BS. That's when i got sick of it. Sure sitting in a camp for 4 hours to camp something that you probably wont claim isn't fun. But it's what we did. We gave up IRL stuff to camp triggers and fight gods. "Sorry hunny i cant go to dinner tonight, i need to fight a giant turtle in the sky". But it was still fun.

    Girlfriends come and go, but FFXI is forever. lol, i kid. Dont get me wrong, i still love the game without a doubt.

    I then had a very serious illness happen to me. Without getting into details, times got tough,i quit ffxi sold all my gear off, and my acct to IGE. (Sure call me a gilseller, whatever i needed to pay hospital bills, and im kicking myself now, but my health was more important. I never sold anything that was given to me in LS. Aparently "Arien" has been seen wandering through Jueno,i guess someone bought it. :/ )

    I contemplate coming back to Raganrok. Starting over,but i dont know if i could do it. I'd probably level a mithra thief, as its what i always wanted. But at this point, i dont know how long it would take to get everything back. Genkais, etc.

    Remember why you play this game, and remember that the new players were where you were a couple years back. I may be recreating a char, i got a decent job, and my health is back to normal.

    If i dont i will remember you all...
    Daelen- Best WHM i ever partied with. Kept me alive at 60Nin tanking bune, an amazing player.
    Decland- Will miss you, crazy redneck warrior.
    Someah- Talked with you many anight on TS, best thief i ever partied with.
    Kuraiya- Your a great friend, good ranger. You apreciated the game as it is.
    Odyne- Funny girl, keep whim safe.
    Whimsical- Odyne is crazy, dunno how you do it lol.
    Thaumboy- Your playing ability amazes me,keep it up.
    JonnyDreads- Also an awesome thief, many a night in sozu's den.
    Wolfie- I know you dont play, but i looked up to you as a young nin.
    Coder- Also an awesome friend, your missed on the server. Run things on Midgar.
    Andros- you are nuts lol.
    Borked- Another one of the bestplayers ive partied with. Hope things go well IRL for you. Your missed.

    I apologize if i missed anyone,im exhausted.. Maybe ill see you guys on the flipside.
    75 Nin

    Relic Obtained: Koga Boots.