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Offical WorldPass Request

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  • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

    Rofl you have posted this on almost every server forum. Maybe you should be a little more precise on what you want otherwise you will get 30 PM's with a WP and of course you're not gonna go on all servers


    • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

      DoomLord's post count skill goes up by 0.1 points!
      signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine


      • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

        Hi ,
        I am a returnng player from 2004 . Would like to get a WP for ragnarok server if possible.
        Thanx a million.
        Email is


        • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

          Hi, could I please get a world pass to Ragnarok from someone? I will pay you back as soon as I can get the gil.


          Thank you!


          • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

            can me and my friend please have a world pass to this most awesome server of Ragnarok, would pay you with much love, and returned gill



            • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

              hello, I would like to have a WorldPass to Ragnarok. I am a returning player who haven't played ffxi in about 1.5years and my main got deleted during that time . Help would be most appreciated and I will pay back the gil asap.

              Edit: Thanks, got in
              Last edited by omfx56; 03-17-2006, 11:07 PM.


              • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                Hi, im a returning gamer who hasnt played in years.
                But when I found out a guy in my class play the game, I wanted to start again.
                He plays on the ragnarok server, but cant log on for a while so I was wondering if someone could help me with a WP??

                Thanks got it
                Last edited by Hysas; 03-19-2006, 06:02 AM.


                • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                  I haven't played in a year or so, my old character was a level 32 samurai and I regret never getting to higher levels with him. His name was Miyamoto...well I bought the game again...I don't have my old one anymore...and I really want to go back to ragnarok, it was my home for a while. Thanks. My e-mail is, I will pay you back if you want, or I can be your friend forever, i'm going to be a hume white mage. thanks.

                  I've been trying to get on ragnarok for 3 days...anyone?
                  Last edited by Renman; 03-19-2006, 11:54 AM.


                  • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                    Hello. I'm an old Ragnarok player. Haven't play since 2003, but now I'm back and I'd like a WP. Anyone? my email is

                    Gaara - blm61
                    Keffy - thf73


                    • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                      Hi, I played some time ago, but i want to play again and i'd like to join Ragnarok server. Could u send me a WP please?



                      • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                        I'd love one too and I'll pay back ASAP.

                        My sig.


                        • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                          Hi Ho i'm an old Ragnarok Player aswell but i bought a new copy, could someone provide me with a Ragnarok WP ?
                          pm pls

                          Teh Man


                          • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                            Hi Ragnarok. I am coming back to FFXI after two years off and unfortunately, am unable to get my old account back. Which means I am starting over! I would very much appreciate it if someone could please email me any world passes that they may have available right now. Please get in touch with me at


                            • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                              I'm also coming back to FFXI after a hiatus. I was assigned to the Ifrit server but am unsatisfied with it (too tiny) and would like to join Ragnarok, which I've heard is the god of all servers.

                              I need a world pass!

                              Benefits to giving me one:

                              1. I will pay you back in full when I can. Hold me to it.

                              2. I will be your bestest best friend always and forever (or until someone better comes along).

                              3. I will be a white mage. Always can use another white mage!

                              Private message me!


                              • Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                                Hey guys.

                                It'd be really cool if someone can lend me a hand as well and get me a world pass. Thanks in advance.

                                Ugh, 3:18 AM in the morning.

                                I'll pay you back immediately when I get the money.

                                PM me or something. luvs u.
                                Last edited by Crazypanda; 04-18-2006, 11:32 PM.

