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Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

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  • Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

    First of all i like to say a big thank you to for its admin,mod,members and others who i forgot ;p

    Due to the come back to ffxi since i miss the game itself and the people i know,
    i made a HNM/Tu'lia/ want to be Dynamis LS name WisdomWorld.
    Those who had aleady know me last time should know that i am from an old school HNM LS. ( Not saying the name out here, so that nothing good or bad i got to do with it or the new LS most of them carried over is being make use here etc etc for good or for bad. )
    Well basically, i came back and found out that my old school hnm ls is disbanded.
    And for some reason or no reason, i did not or not invited to the new one ;p
    I may be wrong here, so pardon me.
    So i made a new one myself with some ffxi friends i know for a long time
    example wolfie : D

    Why it is name as WisdomWorld?
    Well this name has been chosen due to a few factor.
    Most popular LS be it HNM or otherwise has a "nick name" or short form name for it. So what we wanted are a easy to remember name that can get a nice easy short form name for it if we happen to be popular enough
    So we prefer letters that is the same example, WisdomWorld aka WW
    or MasterMind aka MM and so on and so on.
    I start off with a word for the LS name World.
    Why the word World?
    Because we wanted and know a lot of the ffxi players are from all over the world,
    and we want them to unite together to fight back agaist the evil beast.
    Thus the word World is selected.
    And the word Wisdom came along as it match the word World nicely ;p
    At least to me it does
    WisdomWorld WisdomWorld aka WW seem to be a nice name to at least me
    and Wisdom = knowledge = wise
    With Wisdom among the ffxi players from all over the world = WisdomWorld Born

    Now its about the LS itself .
    WW aka WisdomWorld hunt time are now base on GMT+9 ( Japan Time )
    Sky Hunts are usually monday to thursday 20:00Hrs GMT+9 (Japan time )
    God usually on Sunday 14:00Hrs GMT+9 as usual.
    This timing may not suit a lot of the members inside here you may ask or know.
    So now let me explain it to you. Inorder for a HNM LS to work really well.
    Sometimes or a lot of times people need to wake up or stay up till like 3-6am =.=
    It will be good of cos if you can do that . But i am not really asking all of you to do that >.< So another way to me or WW is to get more people from other time zone.
    Like people from US time zone or EU or any ; ;
    So once there are enough people who stick around inside the LS, there will be hunts at like maybe 20:00Hrs GMT-3 or nearby( Pls take note here the time is GMT-3 is just an example and so is 20:00Hrs)
    Currenly the LS strength is about 20-30+ active members with a list of 40-50+ total member recorded. active member = when there is hunts or god the LS would have those numbers of people there. total member recorded = all the names is inside the LS. But i believe very soon i going to remove more as their times up for not coming for hunts.
    Currenly we are focusing on SKY GOD mostly. As it ripe off more profits in term of gear and maybe even gil wise to fund the LS stuff.
    When most of the member get the needed stuff from sky god or when we have more active members, we will move towards ground hnm more.

    As for dynamis, i am planning it on tuesday GMT+9 at around 19:00 to 20:00 Hrs
    People from other dynamis are welcome to join too as long as this time fit into your other dynamis time. which is on friday to saturday fyi.
    We have not started any dynamis trip yet as i dont see enough balance of jobs inside the LS to get it started. Thats why this thread is made to get more members for HNM/GOD/Dynamis etc.

    LS run on point system. So everytime people come for hunts, time they join and time they left is recorded by me or the appointed person who i trust and know well. An AVERAGE of 2-3hours hunt = 1 point, 5-6hours = 2 point, and so on if needed. Highest point within members of an drop item = first to get.
    Example, Member A have 10 points, B has 5points, C 15 points, D 13 points.
    and all of them want sieryu kote and it dropped on the sieryu god we killed.
    So natually, Member C with 15 points is highest inside the LS and present at that hunt who wanted that item get it. And then a certain numbers of points will be deducted from him for getting the item. The number of points deducted will not be talk here. If you want to know it then ask me or join the LS ;p

    Members whom is with WW HNM LS/GOD will have an advantage compare to members who only want WW Dynamis LS. As some of the people only want to join WW dynamis for DYNAMIS ONLY. So you will lose out on here most probably.
    How is dynamis item going to be run has not yet receive a confirm but it will be base on points too. most probably 1 full dynamis hunt = 1-2point as dynamis wount go more then 6hours. I have to give members who join WW for HNM OR GOD an advantage as some of our blm and smn dont need anything from GOD.
    Their item are mostly from dynamis which benifit them more.
    So i suggest if you want to join us, come for hnm/god hunt too so u gain point faster.

    If you are interested, you can drop a reply here or a pm here to me or in game under ragnarok server to Jeanrc too. Enquires are always welcome but pardon me as i may be very busy most of the times.

    Last and most important, i like to thank all of you who takes the time to read all this crap of mine and dont fame me or anyone or the LS .

    Your one and only

  • #2
    Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

    Good luck with this, even though I'm not interested in joining as I'm already part of a HNMLS. It will be nice to see a new pearl at some HNM camps, even though I'd rather see that your luck stays in Sky/Dynamis


    • #3
      Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

      Welcome back Jean, maybe ill bug ya later ;o


      • #4
        Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

        been back for sometimes like 2month+
        just that i did not talk abt the LS here so i am doing it now for the people of ffxionline ;p
        We just need more people to do bigger stuff like kirin, king behemoth etc etc and dynamis
        so is trying to recruit frm here too if there are anyone interested


        • #5
          Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

          I grouped with a few of your members a few days back. Looks like you already have some good people in your LS. I hope everything works out for you and glad to see you back~


          • #6
            Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

            yo seyumi, i dont think i saw u often in ff. how have u been?
            heard quite a number of aa people have quit game ; ;
            well LS doing quite good, had killed a few byakko, genbu, suzaku sieryu etc
            want to go try kirin now but for a first time for the LS, i dont think we have enough members to come at a fix time >.< so have not gone to try it yet.
            Well LS has some experience people but also a numbers of inexperience one.
            So i just hope they learn while we teach or self learn from the fight itself.
            Good luck in ff or real life and have fun ^^


            • #7
              Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

              hi jean nice to see u back. not sure if i'm joining tho kinda like clashes will revert to u if can.


              • #8
                Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                ah ragnarokian feelows
                CHECK MY JOURNAL!


                • #9
                  Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                  why am i finding myself back on these boards, wanting to play this damn game again

                  reactivation help anyone?

                  Sweetness - Ragnarok


                  • #10
                    Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                    what does your reactivation mean?
                    if u need a ragnark world pass, i can always help you ^^
                    well the game is pretty fun and if u add in all the friends you know and the years u been with them = love ;p


                    • #11
                      Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                      Last edited by Fockr; 09-05-2005, 09:06 PM.


                      • #12
                        Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                        after seeing Fockr and Ganon (my rl friends) in action in this hnmls, i'm having a good feeling for this ls. good luck to you guys you are all doing great so far, i would like to join, but the times are the only things that may hurt me since i have school and work in the way.
                        Windurst Rank: 10
                        Zilart Mission: 17 (Suppanomimi: O)
                        Promathia Mission: CoP complete (Rajas Ring: O)
                        ToAU Mission: 18



                        • #13
                          Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                          Last edited by Fockr; 09-05-2005, 09:07 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                          • #14
                            Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                            yea come and join and help up ;p
                            if a lot of americans join, i am sure sooner or later i can find a good leader to lead for the american hunt time and then everything would be solve ^^


                            • #15
                              Re: Ragnarok HNM/Tu'lia/Dynamis LS ( WisdomWorld )

                              you know it, just like i said before, time commitment right now for me is a little low, but i want in, that is if you don't mind me not being able to commit much, sorry in advance, my gear isn't the best either, but i promise i won't disappoint as thf ^_^
                              Windurst Rank: 10
                              Zilart Mission: 17 (Suppanomimi: O)
                              Promathia Mission: CoP complete (Rajas Ring: O)
                              ToAU Mission: 18


