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All Ragnorak WP Requests

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  • spot me a WP too , it would be most appreciated
    mail me at
    I'm looking foward to bashing some tiny mandagoras with some other noobs... lol


    • Ragnorak WP

      I also need a Ragnorak WP. My email address is ^_^


      • Need a worldpass

        I am hoping beyond hope that someone knows where to get a Worldpass to the Ragnarock server. I am being told this is where the american player that are importing (like myself) are playing. Please email me with ANY information that could be helpful in this quest.

        Thank you


        • (:

          If anyone there could belp me get in to Ragnorak or have a spare World Pass!

          I am depirate! :sweat:

          Please contact me here:

          Private Message me, my name is (( lfs ))

          [ -- ] [ -------- ]


          • can someone hook me with a wp too please?

            thanks in advance, will pay back+interest once I level up, hehe

            email me at (there is an _ between Long and ng incase the browser underline the email address)

            many thanks!!


            • I also need a Ragnarok Worldpass.
              my e-mail is .

              thx a lot


              • share the love!

                world pass PLEASE!
                I'm tired of running around on empty servers!


                • Hey guys, just joined in the fun. I'm here to beg for a world pass to Ragnorak

                  I promise to be your personal lackey for a while if you can hook me up with a pass. God only knows where they will put me if I can't get a pass.

                  Thanks, and I hope to play with some of you this weekend.



                  • Hey everyone, this is my first time posting and just wanted to ask a question about the Ragnarok server. What is so special about it? I mean everyone wants to get in it. Seems to me that eventually the server will overload and lag. The game isn't out yet over here yet in the US but I have it reserved so I will soon be joining in on all the FUN!!! Well anyway I would be most appreciative if anyone could answer my question and I hope to see you guys in the game soon.

                    Jinnar le Seraphim
                    =Jinnar le Seraphim=
                    Hume Warrior/Monk


                    • i want urgent a world pass to ragnarock
                      I am a shadow. I have no name. I am the master of all ninja


                      • I'd Like to Join Ragnarok or Lakishmi ....if u can spare a WP please email me at :


                        • Come on guys, I'm willing to pay anyone back who grabs me a pass. I would really like to get started, but I desperately need a world pass

                          I'm not sure what it costs, but I'll pay back double the cost if someone would be willing to help me out here. I'd greatly appreciate it.

                          Thanks gang,

                          please email me at:



                          • I too need a pass to Ragnarok

                            I'd promise to pay you back, eventually

                            I've spent the past 5 days wandering aimlessly on different empty servers. Email is

                            Thanx in advance :\

                            24 WAR / 11 BLM / 6 THF / 5 WHM / 4 MNK


                            • I have concluded that this thread will get you nowhere. After weeks of waiting and waiting, I just gave up hoping that someone was going to be nice enough to help out a new person.

                              Think about it... Who is going to come on this thread looking for someone to buy a WP for? Once people get to where they need to be, they don't go searching the board looking for someone else to help.

                              Do yourself a favor and don't bother posting here. Starting your own thread will make it much easier to get noticed. One significant reason for that is that the board is VERY slow, regardless of how much bandwidth you have. It takes a while for every page to come up, so that also reduces the chance that someone will want to spend time looking around.

                              I'm not sure if the web server is overrun or if the database is in need of maintenance, but it's pretty slow for me. Regardless of how slow it is, this is the best FFXI Online resource, hands down, so I just deal with it.


                              • I need a 3 world passes during the week of October 28. Ragnorok, please.
                                Me and my friends will be in debt to whoever. We will pay back with a agruable intrest.
                                Please PM me. I will also have to organize stuff with my friends...
                                This is for the US PC version... If anyone can help me...
                                Okay, Im asking this on this topic. Comon!
                                My friends will litteraly trash my head with their fist!!

                                My email is , please send me an Email if your gonna WP me...
                                I obviously care about the words coming from your mouth, so I ask,"Why do you speak?"

