Hows the population on Phoenix? I played about more than a year ago on phoenix and it was an awesome server, is there still a lot of people and is it still a great server?
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Re: Population?
I'm one of those "helpful players".
If you have a question or need some help, send me a /tell. I can't always drop everything and run to help, but I'm an expert at NM hunting, greifing* gilsellers, questing, soloing, and general fun. I also RP quite a bit, so you may hear me preaching the Cult of Promathia from the pulpit of the Goddess's Cathedral in Upper Jeuno..
*Greifing - not MPK, but keeping thier sorry bot-monkey mitts off of O.Kote and the Signa.
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Re: Population?
I am also a helpfull player. If you got any questions and I am on. Feel free to ask. I will do my best to give answers and help as I can. Also Lahina, where did you get that job chart from? I like it alot. I want one ; ; Hit me up sometime. I will give a pearl to you, or I may even drop my LS and join a new one, to be as helpful as i possibly can.Do what you like, like what you do, but don't hate.
Which FF Character Are You?
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