Are there any HNM and NM LS's on Phoenix? What about groups that do dynamis? It'll be a while yet, but I know my small LS would be interested in participating in these types of activies later on. I'd just like to know if it will be possible for us to join in any of these later on.
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There are lots of HNMLS on our server (around 6-7 active ones) the NA ones though are Wildseven, AwakenedSouls, and Dawn. Chances of getting into these are sortof slim I guess since they're either fairly full or have strict entrance requirements o_O
There is also a NA Dynamis LS called DynamisBums, however getting into it is fairly as well hard since we already have a bit more than 64 players.
Though, once you're around level 70ish get some friends and start trying things like Simurgh, Roc, Admantoise, Serket, Behemoth (if you can get him >_> ) and stuff these are fairly easy and only need 1-2 parties to kill (and actually can be duo'd with a NIN and a healer). If you get enough people you can try a god or two in sky (Genbu/Suzaku being the easiest). In the end, try to stick with your friends and do things that are fun and special things will happen. Just because someone can kill Kirin doesn't mean squat if it isn't with their friends and they're not having fun.
The golden rule when hunting HNM I guess is to try not to think of it as just simply hunting for your own gain, but hunting for your friend's and your Linkshell's gain. Once you get into that mindset you'll realize that although you may not get something from killing a King Behemoth, it's fun helping the people around you to get the items they want.
Sorry for that speech... hehe
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Well, that's the thing, I know we'll want to take on the big stuff eventually. My sis already got an invite to some developing HNM LS. Not sure what it's called though.
It's not so much the items I want as the battles themselves. I want to take part in FUN battles. It's so much more fun tanking two mobs when exping, it makes me work^^! I watched the Ark Angel battle video, and that looks like LOTS of fun. I would mind doing a few fights against the AA's. It's all the coordination and teamwork that makes a battle successful that makes it fun. I just don't ant to miss out on it.
Be like a Paladin.
Take the hit, shrug it off, and ask if their mom hits any harder.
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A lot of HNM can also happen just by being in the right place at the right time. I fought Roc while helping with Thief AF3. It was there when we started, and when we finished it was still up, so I informed my LS and we took a shot at it. It was very thrilling, and the battle took around 15 minutes with an alliance of 55s-60s.
There's one JP HNM LS in particular that I hear about every so often whose members are very rich as well, although the name escapes me at the moment. I just know that I would really like to own a Thief's Knife and some Assassin Gear at one point in time, and without the help of one such type of LS, getting these could prove difficult.
Then again, waiting for friends is also very important. I just wish that some of my friends had more will to level at times. ^^;
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I've just about finished lvl'ing my sub and then I expect to be into the 70's fairly soon. The LS I'm in now, DominusGold (Among other LS's), has just had several members reach into the 70's, I'd be among them if it weren't for my sub. I know that several of them have started an HNM LS, the name escapes me, Dominus[something]. While I originally hoped to be part of this, recently I've become quite... put-off with Dominus, and I'm probably gonna drop my pear. (It's sitting in my safe) I'd be open to joining any willing Linkshells when I get to 70 or so. Fortunetly I've got a few friends who will be reaching the mid-60's soon, so I suppose we could all get together and try some of the easier HNM's.
...oh, and I do have two friends who've started doing lots of Dynamis runs and such, Syldra and Kayoto, but I doubt they'd be able to get me into whatever LS they're in, I immagine it'd be pretty full by now.Langron, Dark Knight of Bastok. Level 75 Rank 10
A Pheonix Role-playing linkshell.
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HNMs can be fun to hunt, but are sort of bad on Phoenix due to that fact there are way too many hard core Japnese players that set their schedule based on HNM spawns. The most wanted and hardest NMs are King Behemoth, Nidhogg, Aspidochelone, since they drop abjurations, which are used to uncurse the cursed armor which you may have seen at the AH. Some of the best armor in the game.
Usually the best thing to do is ask some people you know if you want to camp some NM. Like people in your LS or friends that you exp with. Not really needed to make a whole LS based on it. Behemoth, Roc, Simurgh, Sekert, Bune (might be sort of hard did Bune 806 damage to my level 75 pld). Or if you can find 18 people hunt Fafnir is a good idea. I never found 18 people to hunt with myself so I never camped him. Its hard to organzie that many people so i sugget taking on the easier NMs.
What I do is go check that an HNM spawns then go there maybe get the death time. Then when he is about to spawn I ask a lot of people I know if they want to camp him. Sometimes a lot of people say yes other times people won't want to go. My favorite NM to kill is Behemoth. I only killed him 4 times because hes sometimes overcamped.
Here is a shot from last week when i got behemoth.
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Well it's not as bad as other servers if you want to camp HNM though...
And about Fafnir, it is camped regularly by Phoenixwingfreedom and GloryDays
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Originally posted by Couteaux
There's one JP HNM LS in particular that I hear about every so often whose members are very rich as well, although the name escapes me at the moment.Sorcerer's Gloves: O (Windurst)
Sorcerer's Sabots: O (Jeuno)
Sorcerer's Tonban: O (Bastok)
3/5 peices of AF2!
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My brother and I are looking for an HNM LS to join if possible. We are bot 62. I am a BLM and hes a RDM. We were kinda hoping to get into Dawn as we know to members in it. Izzy we partied with many times and know quite well and Toby we partied once as well with. If theres any chance of us getting in, please tellme how we can. We both have full AF1 armor.
Ice, Dark, Fire, & Thunder Staves Aquired
Maat finally went down.
All BLM AF1 - Acquired
All WHM AF1 - Acquired
Windurst Rank 7
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Nice, I'm glad you want to join Dawn :3
However, Dawn recruits based on people we know. It's great that you want in, but you also have to be a nice person and know, that Dawn is more about having fun, and being friends, and getting cool items in the process of having fun.
That being said, if I can get your character names, I'll pass them on to the proper people.
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