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CoP Chapter 8+ Looking for three members

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  • CoP Chapter 8+ Looking for three members

    Fassbier (RDM and WHM) and Dosenbier (BLM and WHM) have been team players in my CoP static since Chapter 4-2. They've always showed up, always been prepared - basically, they played like pros and now I'm looking for three people to help get them these missions done, its time to get them thier rings. Foobar would not mind having a Tamas Ring, either.

    So more or less, I suppose I'm looking for two DDs and a tank. Our mage/support line up is fine. I'll be on-board as Foobar on SCH.

    The faithful remainder of the group is willing to go back through Chapter 7. Anything before that is going to be a bit of a roadblock. If its Airship fight you need, just talk to me, I can't really expect them to want to come back out for Airship , so I don't expect them to.

    At any rate, I can go back and help with Airship on SCH, RDM, BRD, BST, COR or RNG.

    Beyond that, I can't be bothered to go much further back at this point and time, already helping a group on the side here and there and don't have the time for a third group.

    Anyway, if you're interested or know someone who is, let me know here or in game as Omgwtfbbqkitten or Foobar.
    Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 04-29-2008, 07:15 PM.