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  • Ahoy!

    Hello there,

    New player here. I've actually had the game for over a month, and my trial just ended a few days ago, but sadly I haven't been able to play all that much. But I'm free to play as much as I want now, and I'm glad to officially be part of the FFXI crowd.

    I've been a fan of the series since FFIV (then II) on the SNES, and remember eagerly awaiting the release of XI. Sadly I couldn't afford the PS2 add-on, my computer was too crappy to play it, and my parents wouldn't let me use their credit card on the internet anyway. But I just got a new laptop, and payment is no longer an issue, so I'm finally able to play! This is pretty much my first MMO so I'm still learning the ropes, and it feels so great to finally enter Vana'diel after all these years of waiting.

    Anywho, my name in the game is the same as the one here, I'm from Bastok, and at the moment I'm a level 9 WAR. I'm going to start leveling now, and I hope to see you all in the game!

    Peace! ,