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SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

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  • SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

    Note: Just to update, upgraded the original static to a event linkshell, those that expressed interest in the static, but could not attend are welcomed to check out this LS and form groups and progress through CoP and other events within it. Additionally, I did not come up with the name of this LS (/kyon facepalm)

    OK, so I've met quite a few people that need CoPs and Assaults and they're quite honestly some of the most frustrating content of the game to sort through because of the nature of the mission structure and/or community at large.

    So recently a few friends and I decided to start up an LS dedicated to such content as well as being a social for the purpose of helping others experience this content, complete it and get some content related to these expansions done.

    We're actively looking for people with both an interest in completing CoP/Assaults and also those with experiences in CoPs/Assaults as well. I've already made the journey to sea once and completed all current expansion content thus far, as have some others in the LS. We also have people rather experienced with Assaults.

    Terms for events are as follows:
    • Come on time
    • Come prepared (proper gear, reraise items, medicinces, sneak/invis)
    • Come ready to listen and perform your role.
    • Give back to those who have helped you by helping others progress.
    We are willing to work with people on any jobs, so long as you're prepared and playing it optimally.

    Contact Omgwtfbbqkitten, Foobar, Selphiie or Sirfrice for pearl.

  • #2
    Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

    Should have a site up with the week, but for now, posting a schedule on here and LBR:

    Friday, starting at 1pm-ish EST, we're looking to do 4-2 "The Savage" (50 cap) I've pre-farmed the scales and the mistmelts, so all that remains is the run up the zone. I'll be on as Foobar and I'll be RDM, Fassbier will be our WHM. If interested, get in touch with me ASAP in-game tomorrow. Its kinda early, I know, but Fassbier is EU.

    Saturday at 2pm is CoP 4-3 "Secrets of Worship" (50 cap) and once again, items for this mission have been pre-farmed, so i intend for this one to go quickly. I plan to have Foobar neatly behind the door you need keys to open by tomorrow night and will mainly be on this mission as Omgwtfbbqkitten on COR or RNG depending on need. Selphiie will be on as PLD. If interested, again, contact me prior to the mission. Erasing Fomor hate is mandatory for this mission, please clear it prior to the mission as we will not wait for those that don't.

    Promyvion Missions are slated for next week, all Promys are planned to be covered, including the 50 cap at Vazhl. I'll post times later. Runs on 5-3 and 2-3 are also in planning.

    For these missions, I require and expect people joining to bring Sneak Oils and Prism Powder/Tonko, along with Reraise earrings, and Hi-pots/Ethers/Yag Drinks. Additionally, please have all cutscenes completed.

    This is your CoP Bible: - read it.


    • #3
      Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

      Not to mess up the flow of your thread, but I wanted to explain why I thanked your two posts here. I agree completely that these are some of the most frustrating events to do for some people, and the fact that you and your friends are working to make this happen for people (but on your terms, which is really the only way to do it), is really cool.

      Best of luck.


      • #4
        Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

        This is awesome for those that are having a hard time on these things. If I were on Odin, I'd help out (of course, I'd also not have to play on weird-ass wonky times, but meh, I survive on Kujata well enough).
        Last edited by LilithAngel; 02-21-2008, 11:40 PM. Reason: Playing in JP prime really really hurts when it comes to trying to do *anything* other than Campaign...


        • #5
          Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

          I am rather experienced in Assaults. I am a Corporal atm. I would really like to do Nyzul Isle and The Ashu Talif. I have friends with varying 75 jobs that would be interested in this too.

          On the CoP side. Still on 2-5 lol. On a different note, I have done the 3 promy battles about 30 times total. I have drg, blu and war. I have only lost 1 battle. Hell Dem is so easy now, you can do the ENM and mission battle back to back with no problems.
          Thanks Kazuki.
          Dragoon Equipment


          • #6
            Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

            I'll be on most, if not all the weekend, Skoal, so just get in touch with me in game and I'll log to the nearest character I can find you on. After I push people through promys I'll try to keep some pace on getting to 2-5, but we're kinda juggling the high and low end missions at the moment.

            We got one guy also low on the CoP side, but high rank on Assaults, along with another. I'm SP on Kitten and PSC on Foobar. Fun thing for me is I can do a lot of Assaults since i can run two characters, I need to work on Yigit on Foobar anyway. So I'm the opposite, low on Assault, but quite experienced with CoPs.


            • #7
              Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

              Can you give me an idea of what times during the day that you guys will be running missions/assaults? I won't be on after today until Wednesday.
              Thanks Kazuki.
              Dragoon Equipment


              • #8
                Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

                Times are somewhat varied for now, but missons will usually be in the evenings EST if we can help it and the early afternoons on weekends when its better for everyone. Assaults are on hold til we get a little mission progress done.

                We'll be mixing in BC/KS stuff as well as ToA missions for those that need, though LS runs on those aren't as high a priority save for getting people past ToA15 at the moment. We have quite a few people interested in doing The Ashu Talif quests. As we get more people in the LS and the site up, scheduling will become easier.
                4-3 is presently on-schedule.

                4-2 went incredibly smooth and we got win first run. Setup was PLD, BLU, COR, SCH, RDM and WAR. First time trying it with a WotG job and two ToA ones and no BLMs at all. Didn't even use all the melts i had farmed. Five people got wins today and then asked if thier friends could get pearls o.O

                All in all, I had a good time, sometimes these missions can feel rewarding instead of draining.
                Last edited by Omgwtfbbqkitten; 02-22-2008, 06:17 PM. Reason: Automerged Doublepost


                • #9
                  Re: SuzumiyaBrigade - CoP/Assault/Event LS now recruiting.

                  Closing this topic per Kitten's (OP's) request. Please message Omgwtfbbqkitten for any information about the SuzumiyaBrigade ls or its activities.
                  Originally posted by Feba
                  But I mean I do not mind a good looking man so long as I do not have to view his penis.
                  Originally posted by Taskmage
                  God I hate my periods. You think passing a clot through a vagina is bad? Try it with a penis.
                  Originally posted by DakAttack
                  ...I'm shitting dicks out of my eyeballs in excitement for the next bestgreating game of all time ever.

