If anyone is intereted, the linkshell I'm in is fairly EU friendly. Early EU peak sees about 10-15 players, and by late EU peek hours we have about 20-30 (more on weekends) and we're looking to expand those to numbers we see during NA peek. We also so have a strong NA base throughout the day and NA peak hours.
Anyhow, if anyone wants a pearl lemme know. Hit me up in FPM or better yet, /befriend or /tell pookapooka - i usually have my character on even if I'm not so a /befriend will ensure i get back to you.
Anyhow, if anyone wants a pearl lemme know. Hit me up in FPM or better yet, /befriend or /tell pookapooka - i usually have my character on even if I'm not so a /befriend will ensure i get back to you.