Thanks for reading if you got this far
ive been playing for months and i got my first
lv50 Character but i learned that im capped
I Would like to ask for the help of an
Odin Server Player to help me with the
First Level Cap Quest if anyone can help
me i would be willing to pay
If you can plz Send A /tell to Toashin
I Could Really Use the Help +
what i could pay goes from 40k - 70k
If im not online could you send a Message for the next
time your free
Plz i would like to hit lv75 so i can get started
as a great Blm Thx and /farewell
ive been playing for months and i got my first
lv50 Character but i learned that im capped

I Would like to ask for the help of an
Odin Server Player to help me with the
First Level Cap Quest if anyone can help
me i would be willing to pay
If you can plz Send A /tell to Toashin
I Could Really Use the Help +
what i could pay goes from 40k - 70k
If im not online could you send a Message for the next
time your free
Plz i would like to hit lv75 so i can get started
as a great Blm Thx and /farewell
