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Offical WorldPass Request

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  • #31
    Re: Offical WorldPass Request

    Me please. Worldpass that is..


    • #32
      Re: Offical WorldPass Request

      Heya folks,

      Looking for a change of 'scenery' and to meet new people. I've heard Odin is the place to be, so if possible, I'd love to have a WP to this server. Please respond ASAP, I'm going to ram my Moth Axe through my cranium if I don't get off of Quez soon. Thanks in advance!


      Edward A. May


      • #33
        Re: Offical WorldPass Request

        Hey, my friend and I are trying to join this server and I would greatly appreciate a world pass. If you can give me one please send me an e-mail at or send me an IM at PiratesPwn1138, I'll pay back after joining the server.


        • #34
          Need a worldpass? I'm your man

          For those who don't know, or even those who don't even care, my name is Ryan. I've been playing ffxi on and off since pc release and tho it seems inconsistency is my speciality, i follow through with the important things. Many of you have now since seen my few posts and gotten a world pass off of me, and i shall continue doing so.

          If any of you wish to join the great Odin server check me out on aim/msn/yahoo with RynArnold, or I also use myspace and youtube frequently and you can find my videos, profile, and pics under 'rynarnold' as well.

          I plan to spend alot of time doing cloth craft until its a respectable level so please, if i can do anything for you without leaving the Windurst cities I would be more than happy to.

          Get a hold of me and I shall get a hold of a world pass within 12hrs. Guaranteed or free gil.
          The Rymage.
          Tarutaru of Windurst.


          • #35
            Re: Offical WorldPass Request

            Hi im searching for a Odin WP.
            It was very very nice.


            • #36
              Re: Offical WorldPass Request

              I too, am in the need of a WP.
              I would really appreciate it if someone gives me one!
              Pretty please


              • #37
                Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                Hello! I'm also looking for a world pass to Odin if anyone could please be kind enough to help me out I would like to start playing on Odin as soon as I am able too :/ please help me out thank you ^^

                my e-mail is


                • #38
                  Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                  Hi all,

                  I'm new to this forum but certainly not FFXI. I've been doing some server-shopping (if that's possible) and from what I've seen and heard, Odin seems to be the place to be. So, if there is a generous heart out there who would be willing to drop me an e-mail with a world pass # inside, I would be extremely grateful and build a shrine/monument/play-dough figurine in his/her honor. Thanks for reading and I look forward to a reply!

                  P.S. The "generous heart" shall also receive a cookie of deliciosity! You know you can't deny it.



                  Deny it you cannot! O_____O
                  Last edited by Vivo; 12-05-2006, 11:00 PM. Reason: There is no e-mail thingy. It was all a horrible delusion. Click "Vivo" to send e-mail!


                  • #39
                    Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                    Hello can i please get an odin world pass ill pas you back ASAP PM me or email me the number ty


                    • #40
                      Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                      Could anyone be so kind as to supply me with a world pass? I'm trying to get back into the game with my friend and we decided on Odin. Please PM me or e-mail me at



                      • #41
                        Re: Offical WorldPass Request

                        Due to SquareEnix's removal of the Worldpass system from FFXI, this thread is now closed.
                        Signature was intentionally left blank.

