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Odin citizen directory ^_~

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Tao
    Rank 3 (Never seem to be able to find groups heading to Delkfut)
    If you ever see me online, send me a tell and I'll try to get you some higher-level help to finish delkfut mission. Also, doing the quest for the map really helps. Your drk seems to be high enough level that you won't receive any aggro in the tower. ^^


    • #32
      37 still too low to go un-aggro in tower =\...ill help ya send me a /t ^^ i am off from high school till monday of next week.....anytime b4 ..four i can help you we can find someone to sneak+invs you on the way eh?
      Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


      • #33
        send me a tell as well.. I'll help out if I'm around Jeuno... getting harder and harder to find PTs these days.... >_<


        • #34
          no experience points party for 6 days now with my dark knight..i am gettin ready to just give up X_X
          Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


          • #35
            Originally posted by tfung
            send me a tell as well.. I'll help out if I'm around Jeuno... getting harder and harder to find PTs these days.... >_<
            I'm lvl 46 currently, almost to 47, Zeroz. Once I get a little closer to you we can team up and party together. You can advertise you have a paladin and attract all the other members.

            Oh yeah, update your profile... You should add you're in KT now too. :sweat:


            • #36
              I don't want to sound like an A hole or anything, but keep the comments to yourselves short, or in PM. I've noticed that it is harder to find other characters in this server when more non-topic messages are posted. Thank you and a wonderful time on our FFXI forum.
              ~Cloud Strife


              • #37
                Originally posted by tfung
                wow... I've actually seen most of you guys online.. and even partied with some of you before.. ^^

                Name : Zeroz
                Race : Elvaan/Male
                City: Bastok
                Rank: 5

                DRK 30
                WAR 37
                BLM 25
                WHM 25
                MNK 15

                LS: Black Tide
                Zeroz :D Mwahahahaha hello~.

                Anyway, info is on the side really. :sweat:
                Currently WHM56/BLM26, gonna level sub tonight, though. ._.~ Good to see so many people I've actually met in-game.

                San d'Oria Rank 5 (and a half)
                Odin Server
                Linkshell: Eternal Love/Mystics
                Race: Elvaan. I just like to play with race changer. :3
                Zilart, CoP completed
                Vrtra downed.

                San d'Oria Rank 10 & Windurst Rank 10
                FFXI journal


                • #38
                  Well... I figured I would finally publish my character here on

                  Name : Seija
                  Race : Tarutaru/Male
                  City: Sand'oria
                  Rank: 3

                  THF: 32
                  NIN: 15
                  MNK: 10

                  LS: Kanoha



                  • #39


                    • #40
                      Hello fellow Odin players ^-^

                      Don't mind me. I am just stalking Tibodibo :spin:
                      ~~ Rank 8 ~~

                      Genkai 5 ~ Completed
                      Tu'Lia ~ Opened


                      • #41

                        just wanted to say Hi....

                        - Mithra Sam, Aleta -


                        • #42
                          I am new to this game :sweat:

                          Name: Glades
                          Elvaan male

                          Warrior: 12

                          "Edit" And Hi! to all of you


                          • #43
                            I started in the beginning of the NA PC release. Made it to almost 30 with a ranger then quit for a few months. Now I'm back and playing a monk. If anyone groups with me, forgive me if I mess up a skillchain or 2. I'm still a little rusty :sweat: .

                            Nobody is left in the linkshells I was part of, and hardly anybody in my friends list plays. Its almost like starting over from scratch. Except I've got a ton of quests completed already, and I'm filthy rich from all the farming to keep up with ranger costs.

                            Name: Nilaari

                            30 theif
                            28 ranger
                            16 warrior
                            9 monk


                            • #44
                              hmm ur welcome to join my LS if u wish ^.^
                              Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


                              • #45
                                Hey guys, just thought I'd chime in...I've seen a couple of you around^^
                                52/35 Elvaan WHM/BLM from Sandoria, I've been playing since NA version was released.
                                Nice to meet you!
                                whm 59, blm 35, mnk 49, war 27

