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Odin citizen directory ^_~

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  • #16
    i just saw u this mornin goth XD when i was gettin up from a successful night of idle'in .......lets talk serious matters for a second ='(...

    has anyone ever met alleara or know where this person went =(
    i took a lil mandatory vacation from game and they just dissapears ='( i really miss this person...u cant belive how much infact
    Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


    • #17
      Sory, ive never seen Alleara b4. Ill keep an eye out though
      Gothtech - Hume Male // 30mnk // 19war // 15 thf => rank 4

      Gothtechy - Taru Male // 33whm // 45blm => rank 4


      • #18
        all the info is in the side bar, but the info that isn't...

        based in Bastok
        Rank 2 (nearly 3, those damn dragons)

        Take it one day at a time
        Don't try to hide
        Take the reins of your life
        Make a choice

        Closed Beta #: SEOD-00023


        • #19
          Elvaan male
          Currently warrior level 4 (yep i just started :D)
          I lurk around San d'Oria at the moment


          • #20
            well petri..if u need help.....i am currently leveling up warrior from 9-??? ill be around~^^
            Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


            • #21
              wow... I've actually seen most of you guys online.. and even partied with some of you before.. ^^

              Name : Zeroz
              Race : Elvaan/Male
              City: Bastok
              Rank: 5

              DRK 56
              WAR 40
              BLM 25
              WHM 25
              THF 21
              MNK 15

              LS: Black Tide



              • #22
                lol zeroz still in black tide eh?....hope that treats ya well ^_^ i made my own Linkshell back up..and people i care about are in it again!! ive seen alotta members of blacktide who have quit that linkshell now~
                Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


                • #23
                  ya.. still in Black Tide.. but I never say much in it.. just try to help out whenever I can.. give advice, answer a few questions, etc... but the people in there are pretty nice and polite, so I've stayed.. some LSes I've checked out are so immature it hurts my eyes just to read the stuff people say in them

                  I've yet to join a useful LS that I can find people to PT with, do quests, and soon BCNM's etc... really want to join a good one for that.. but I don't want the regiments of those really elite ones.. with apps, interviews, mandatory raids, blah blah blah... aren't there any laided back ones which are just as good?

                  but for now, I treat my friendslist as a mini LS for stuff like that, which isn't too bad... ^^



                  • #24
                    I've played for about 10 hours now and im still trying to get started :sweat:
                    It seems whenever i venture far from San d'Oria, i get chased and killed by orcs or goblins...
                    Can anybody suggest a place i should go to get myself up to a decent level or a quest that i can get lots of gil for armor/weapons?

                    I can tell this is going to be a really slow game but at the moment i seem restricted by my lack of armor and level

                    If any of you guys see me (Petrified) around im always willing to party
                    I'm an Australian player so im usually on late night/early morning US time

                    Also just a few questions before i disappear...
                    How do i go about starting a LS?
                    If i /tell someone something, do they have to be anywhere near me?
                    What level do i need to be at to ride a chocobo

                    I hope to see you guys around


                    • #25
                      ermm... welp, if you're really only level 2 right now, you should stick to areas close to town and get to levelin'. Don't go too far off, otherwise it'll just be an endless cycle of run run run run eep! Gobbie! run run ded. rinse and repeat.

                      Keep in mind also that people generally dont start partying till after lvl10...or even wait til the teens. You're more than welcome to do it at lower levels, but it doesn't really do as much for you as it would when you're higher level.

                      This game is meant to be slow, and shouldn't be taken as a race to the top... cause there's more to this game than any sort of "top".

                      Do some easy quests, earn some money and items, learn to use the AH, and take it all in slowly. Oh and read the manual that came with the game. I'll often see shouts in and out of town asking questions that are either no brainers, or are easily answered if you did some skimming.

                      LS's are bought for about 8k gil.

                      /tell-ing someone works no matter where in the "world" they are. Distance is not a factor for that (same with using /linkshell chats)

                      The chocobo quest is initiated in Jeuno when yer at lvl 20. The subjob quest is at lvl 18.

                      Good luck!
                      Alright.... who farted?

                      Obsydian: 47 THF/ 31 MNK/ 24 WAR/ 19 RNG/ 10 SAM/ 8 NIN
                      Anomalie: 24 GFR
                      Saetynn: 17 GFR
                      Jelloshot: 10 GFR

                      RSE - 4/4

                      NM Record (raredrop/enc):
                      Spiny Spipi - 2/3
                      Leaping Lizzy - 1/2


                      • #26
                        I discovered i could kill forest hares to collect rabbit hides as well as levelling, and i get 120gil for every 3 rabbit hides i give to some NPC.
                        I'm a level 8 Red Mage now and i have a new set of armor with that
                        I'm doing the 2nd San d'Oria mission (the one where you have to kill bats in King Ranperre's tomb) and im surviving
                        20 hours in and things are starting to look a little better

                        I also ran into Leshrac yesterday


                        • #27
                          ive been seeing quite a few people on these boards...i seen petrifyus a few times now....ive talked to him on /t alil...ive seen anoms mithran trap vendor..sitting naked in bastok markerts tryin to get perverted galkas to buy her goodies ~_~;;...i took a look lol(i think it was his mithra..her name was Anom)....ive seen people who know me from posts..that havnt even wrote in this topic X_X
                          Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


                          • #28
                            Byoritiri - Taru Male
                            RNG / NIN
                            Windurst - Rank 5
                            LS - Vengeance of Time
                            Guilds - Carpenter lv56

                            Hey Lesh :p hey Pierrot :p hey Zeroz :p


                            • #29
                              BYO IS THE MAN! he is my favorite ranger ever! XD so much dmg with him in same grp as me
                              Minusdkp (Hades) 75WHM, 75MNK, 71DRK, 49NIN


                              • #30
                                I've seen a few of you around.. (Leshrac, PT'd with you before) As well as being in VoT for a brief period of time. (Didn't work out, due the fact that all LS events were on Fridays, days I can't go online) But yeah..

                                Rank 3 (Never seem to be able to find groups heading to Delkfut)
                                Linkshell: Revival (Not really a big Link, just made for friends whom I know in person and such, as well as a few random people)

                                DRK37/MNK30/THF27/SAM23(Currently Playing)/WAR22/NIN18/RNG10
                                (I have all the jobs unlocked, just haven't played all, but I spend far too much time changing jobs.)

                                I guess give me a /tell if you want, I'm usually online really early mornings, and bored. I've tried a few LS's in hopes to have company, but it always seems that my odd hours really prevent me from becoming an actual known part of the LS.

