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Funny story from Delks, and a heads up

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  • Funny story from Delks, and a heads up

    Last night, my LS and I scheduled a Delkfutt tower raid for a few of the members that were still rank 3 (slackahs!). We have about two full PTs, and between people who needed the mission, or tossed their key, there were six - just the right amount of keys that Pory-whatever drops.

    So we get there, the zone in is a little crowded due to Qufim trains as usual, and everyone is in pretty good spirits - my avatars actually do damage cause mobs are {Too Weak} lol, which amuses some of the lower levels, and we were raising random people on the way to the tower, making Qufim a happier place.

    While waiting for our BRD/BST to get there (having fun charming the Kraken outside), we notice someone spamming, in caps, /shout - NE ONE HERE DOING RANK # MISSIONS???

    The guy is anon, so we ignore him - one, cause he's annoying, two cause it was an LS thing, with one invited friend.

    Finally, I see the guy - name is Blizek, from LIVEwire LS - standing near our PT, and a couple of our WHMs and RDMs start complaining about getting annoying tells from him, asking them to heal him when he follows us up to the top. Wtf? I /check him, and he's wearing level 11 monk gear.


    Anyway, we start slaughtering our way up - a few of the people are in their upper 20s, and agro things, so the slaughtering is necessary. Sure enough, this guy is following us around, taking care to stay out of range of gob bombs. I send him a few tells, saying, You DO know you have to kill an NM at the top to complete the mission, right? I get told, "I'll worry about that when I get up there, stfu."


    At this point, my LS is having a grand old time listening to this guy, who is now reading lines from the strategy guide on how to complete this mission - I suppose he was too busy to do a search and notice most of us were rank 5 or 6. Occasionally, he bothers people for a cure, which my LS people were happy to give - no problems with him following us up to the top, though we were quite baffled what he planned on doing once he got up there.

    The annoying chat goes on, and finally we reach the top. A jp PT is there, and we let them take the first pop. Apparently this guy thought we were the ones killing it, and he starts up with "OH USE THE KEY ON ELEVATOR NOW!" The other PT disappears, and we begin to happily slaughter the giants around. I then do /sea Blizek.

    Level 11 MNK, no subjob, rank 3. WTF?

    The alliance is rolling at this point, since now the /shouts have degraded to "I'll stop annoyin u guys if you show me the ambassador door!!"

    So, we kill the NM, he starts /cheering, and stands on the elevator. Which only works for individual people, who have the rare/ex key. We all /wave goodbye, and proceed. Last person through was our 56 PLD, who was noting repops as we went down, and this guy freaking out.

    Now, usually, I have NO problem assisting people. But a level 11 monk, with NO subjob, trying to leech his way through to probably rank 5 and airship pass, was not getting help from me. Supposedly, afterwards he starting /telling our WHMs "OMG come back, and trade key to me when u r don!" He apparently didn't understand what rare/ex meant, nor did he understand what "You are too low, go level before you do this mission" meant. Ah well.
    Legacy of Cid Forums

  • #2
    Hey Meiyu I havemt seen u in a long time. Well Maybe that Monk had another char that got deleted so he wanted all ranks done? I dunno.
    Name: Nexxxus
    Job: Redmage/BLM 11DRG/7war
    Lvl: 60/30
    Race:Elvaan MAle
    LS: Kiana. 2nd in Command.


    • #3
      Re: Funny story from Delks, and a heads up

      lol thats is great. I wouldn't have cured him though if he was being an ass like that to me. Throw him a protect 2 and tell him good luck
      "I am the Flail of God. If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon You."

      -Genghis Khan



      50 BRD (Main)
      30 WHM
      27 DRK
      22 SAM
      20 WAR
      19 BLM
      15 THF
      10 BST


      • #4
        Re: Funny story from Delks, and a heads up

        Im wondering who helped him get past the dragon to get to rank 3. They should have helped him get rank 4 then .

        Which FF Character Are You?


        • #5
          Re: Funny story from Delks, and a heads up

          Poor Monk

          You guys are mean! You should have pl'ed him to 40 while you were there. The nerve of some people.
          66MNK | 37WAR | 22SAM | 20THF | 20BST | 18 NIN | 17BLM | 10WHM
          Cooking 69 / Fishing 48
          01 / 10 on Hoo Mjuu the Torrent (Monster Signa: O)
          01 / 08 on Mee Deggi the Punisher (Ochiumsha Kote:
          01 / 04 on Quu Domi the Gallant (Sarutobi Kyahan: O)

