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Lakshmi Server Citizen Directory

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  • #16
    Geohound - 8 RDM - San'Doria | CA, USA


    • #17
      Donnovan- RDM10- San D'oria|Pennsylvania
      Celeras Rank 6 Fairy San Doria
      Blue Mage 58 Ninja 28 Thief 39 Dark Knight 50 Ranger 43 Warrior 30
      Linkshell leader: Jade


      • #18
        Added today:

        Kisetsu (might be Kesetsu ) 13 warrior - San'Doria | Japan
        english speaker living there.
        Still trying to play way too much...
        60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
        BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
        BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

        Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
        Alksomething - 0/8


        • #19
          Cyn 10war-5thief Ga, Usa


          • #20
            Added today:
            Mikenham 04 BLM - SandOria | Wyoming, USA
            Ghaleon 03 WAR - SandOria | Boston, USA

            Added 6/14
            Zacherius 04 WHM - SandOria | Conneticut, USA
            Still trying to play way too much...
            60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
            BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
            BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

            Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
            Alksomething - 0/8


            • #21
              Djephri 01 WAR - San D'oria | Wyoming, USA
              Tenshi 03 THF - San D'oria | Wyoming, USA

              We're friends of Mikenham in case you couldn't tell
              "The ancient sages said 'Do not despise the snake for having no horns, for who is to say it will not become a dragon?' So may one just man become an army."



              • #22
                I've been too lazy to add other people lately... but five new players just today (details might be added later) but also part of LS now:
                Araden - WAR
                Minimimi - WHM
                Sirius - 9 WAR
                Still trying to play way too much...
                60 BRD, 75 BST, 37 WHM, 15 THF, 16 BLM
                BCNM40 over 100 wins ><
                BCNM60 |] 3-0-1 [|

                Pallas - 2/16 (Solo'd at LVL 64)
                Alksomething - 0/8


                • #23
                  Juanmiguel 08 RDM - SandOria | Mexico


                  • #24
                    haven't really been posting much on the FFXIonline boards recently, too busy playing the game to bother with the forums

                    anyway, I've got my characters' levels in my sig, and I'll also offer updates to some people's levels since I PTed with them in the last day or so or have seen them around

                    Juanmiguel is up to level 14 now, and Araden is up to 13, same jobs as already described, also Mikenham is up to level 12 or 13, but is still a rank 1 resident of San d'Oria, for which he was teased by Zar since he was the only member of the linkshell that wasn't rank 2 that was online at a certain time today :p I also PTed with Kimaru today who was leveling up his level 14 Warrior while Subbing Monk, was an interesting PT and I learned of a new place in La Theine that has Thickshells
                    Lakshmi - Tetto - Mithra Female - RDM73 - MNK49 - BLM38 - WAR35 - BST42 - Rng 32 - THF29 - PLD27 - WHM25 - NIN19 - SAM19 - San d'Oria - Rank 10


                    • #25
                      Hi guys,

                      I'm new in Lakshmi and been playing for a week. I just want to add my character in the Lakshmi members directory.

                      I'm a female warrior hume currently at level 13 and plans to take thief as my subjob. My long range target will be samurai/war or maybe pld/war. Anyway samurai looks cooler . My nick in the game is Juliette, just give me a /tell in the game.

                      Btw, I would like to join the linkshell too ^^. Can somebody tell me how to join the linkshell? I joined a jpn linkshell but they only talk jpn (cant understand anything at all ~expected~). Dont get me wrong, they are very helpful and nice . Well see you all in the game!


                      • #26
                        ‚—‚O‚O‚”?@‚ƒant believe i neva checked OUR servers forum b4.

                        Zar-Hume/Male-War26~Slocavullin,Scotland ^_^.

                        Rest of jobs in ma sigy^^
                        75 Mnk Sam | 70 Drk | 40 Blm | 37 Nin Rng Thf War
                        Woodworking 91.9+2
                        ZM:Complete CoP:Complete ToAU:27


                        • #27
                          Just started a character today on Lakshmi courtesy of The 4D Mac . Hoping I run into some of you in the future.

                          Tipha Hume Female 11 MNK - San d'Oria | Virginia, USA
                          Cerberus: Purrrfect Mithra 61drk 49pld 47thf 30war 22nin 14sam 7rdm 4rng 4whm
                          Lavalamp Taru 32whm 10blm 6brd 5bst....needs to level sub in a bad way ><


                          • #28
                            Heh, we need to get you in ^
                            Macc 75WHM


                            • #29
                              A few of the other members got me setup now.
                              Cerberus: Purrrfect Mithra 61drk 49pld 47thf 30war 22nin 14sam 7rdm 4rng 4whm
                              Lavalamp Taru 32whm 10blm 6brd 5bst....needs to level sub in a bad way ><


                              • #30
                                Blackmageviper 12 BM / windurst / Denmark
                                Signature outdated.

