hello ffxionline forms wanted to invite you all to a dynamis ls we run monday thursday @ 8:00pm est meaning gathertogether is @ 7:30pm est we are looking for all new members you dont have to have dynamis experiance but it does help a little bit but we are willing to teach you. with our amazing staff in this linkshell we can get anything done.
looking for members : DD's (thf's sam's war's drk's ect) blm whm and of course rdm/brd/sch/cor
run times : monday thursday @ 8:00pm est we use rustybucket list for runs so no fighting for zones
ls name : relichunters
linkshell leader : asteckno
sac holder : cyradel, kigome, tecksbaby, lildynamite
current relics being finished : ASteckno (dagger stage3, shield stage3 and sword stage3) cyradel (great katana stage 2)
sponcership : open to those who are on stage 3 by them selves
soon will be capable to kill nm's for stage 4 and anamitated weapons for stage 5
Loting main70+/sub65+ if someone does not have your sub mained then u will be able to lot it. for northlands we do attendace based you show up u will be able to lot we keep attendance in my dpk system on my sky ls's webpage which will be set up shortly. ppl loting in northlands will be taken down what jobs they want as a main and then a second main the job that you want to lot on must be lvl 75 for you to be able to lot the armor... that rule will never change.
if you have any questions post under here or /tell asteckno kigome cyradel lildynamite or tecksbaby
thanks and happy killing
looking for members : DD's (thf's sam's war's drk's ect) blm whm and of course rdm/brd/sch/cor
run times : monday thursday @ 8:00pm est we use rustybucket list for runs so no fighting for zones
ls name : relichunters
linkshell leader : asteckno
sac holder : cyradel, kigome, tecksbaby, lildynamite
current relics being finished : ASteckno (dagger stage3, shield stage3 and sword stage3) cyradel (great katana stage 2)
sponcership : open to those who are on stage 3 by them selves
soon will be capable to kill nm's for stage 4 and anamitated weapons for stage 5
Loting main70+/sub65+ if someone does not have your sub mained then u will be able to lot it. for northlands we do attendace based you show up u will be able to lot we keep attendance in my dpk system on my sky ls's webpage which will be set up shortly. ppl loting in northlands will be taken down what jobs they want as a main and then a second main the job that you want to lot on must be lvl 75 for you to be able to lot the armor... that rule will never change.
if you have any questions post under here or /tell asteckno kigome cyradel lildynamite or tecksbaby
thanks and happy killing