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Dynamis/Limbus/Salvage Shell Recruiting

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  • Dynamis/Limbus/Salvage Shell Recruiting

    Hello there friend. Do you ever find yourself wondering how to make ends meet/get your whites clean/looking for steak knives that can cut a tin can then slice through a tomato/satisfy your partner? If so, then I have the answer for you! “The Ultimates” Brand Linkshells are now recruiting for Dynamis, Limbus, and Salvage.

    “But how will that get me the money, power, respect and free bonus Magic Juicer ($20 value) that I crave?” you ask. Well, we can’t just give that information away in this infomercial but listen to these testimonials from satisfied members:

    “Not only was there no candy in Dynamis like he promised, but once inside, Venn started trying to touch me in my swimsuit area”

    – Blmrdm (lvl 75 Sam/Thf): State of NY vs Venn, Case #A1841032

    Ok, so perhaps that’s the wrong kind of testimony…

    How much would you expect to pay for these kinds of services? $29.99, $49.99? No, if you act now, membership is absolutely free!

    In all seriousness though, “The Ultimates” (Dynamis), “The New Ultimates” (Limbus) and “Ulimates Forever” (Salvage) are currently recruiting new members. Applications are now being accepted independently (i.e. it is no longer necessary to join The Ultimates in order to participate in Limbus/Salvage).

    All runs start @8:30PM EST on the following schedule:

    Dynamis: Wednesday/Saturday
    Limbus: Thursday/Sunday
    Salvage: Friday

    What we can offer you:

    You start on the ground floor: Once trial periods are completed, all members are on equal footing with regards to relic lotting privileges (although if lotting thf, you may want to pass for those who’ve been around for 3 years without seeing certain pieces. Trick Attack “accidents” happen after all :3 )

    Coins from Limbus are split evenly and upgrade materials are lotted by anyone who can use them.

    Salvage lotting is handled the same as Dynamis.

    Community: Fellow members are always around and willing to help with things like CoP missions, making up lost xp, doing BCNMs, Assaults, overthrowing small third-world countries, etc.

    Proven Tactics: We have over 3 years worth of Dynamis experience, with wisdom passed down by an ancient order of monks whose mystical city only appears once every 10 years. Our Limbus shell has a nearly 100% clear rate and Salvage is proceeding well considering it’s more recent implementation.

    Financial Aid: In this current economy, it’s sometimes tough for newer players to make ends meet. The Ultimates currently has numerous initiatives to help defer the cost of Dynamis entry fees for our members. While every member is ultimately responsible for their own finances, we take a “teach a man to fish…” approach.

    The aforementioned Magic Juicer – liquefies anything! Tired of having to eat the chewy and tough heart of your enemies to gain their strength? Make it into a refreshing and nutritious smoothie!

    That’s not to say our linkshell is not without it’s faults. However, there has recently been a change in the leadership structure, as well a bundle of new policies being implemented. So please, now is the time to look beyond any “lolvenn” or “lolultimates” you might have heard. With great new members like you, we can make these shells top tier again.

    If you have any questions or wish to join, you can find us at:

    www. tudynamis. net/forums/

    or contact Albany, Allia, Fliggity, Goldfish, Lucrezia, Meshe, Tsakiki or Venn in game

  • #2
    Re: Dynamis/Limbus/Salvage Shell Recruiting

    Im intrested in joining. 75BLM Just returned after 2 years being gone.
    75/37 BLM/WHM
    61/30 WHM/BLM
    50/25 RDM/BLM


    • #3
      Re: Dynamis/Limbus/Salvage Shell Recruiting

      You should freakinrican. We are actually a super shell. We can do all the dynamis areas possible in the game. We are looking forwards to your application.
      Thom @ Lakshmi server -> 70WHM/75PLD/75SMN
      Shall Shell / The Ultimates / FatesHand All Right!

