SnakesInDynamis is currently recruiting members. We are current accepting applications for all jobs. A little information about our shell:
LS Leader: Narsat
Runs: Tuesday 8:00 pm EST
Saturday 12:30 pm EST
We have fair rules for our members when it comes to lotting for relic and currency. Sponsored runs are available. In the case that more than one member wishes to sponsor the run, we allow co-sponsoring to be split. Up to four members can co-sponsor a run. In the case, no one wishes to sponsor a run all 100 bills will be open lot for all members of the linkshell (not just the sack holders).
If the rules and times sound good for you and you think you would like to be part of a new and growing dynamis linkshell full of friendly players please apply on our website forums.
LS Leader: Narsat
Runs: Tuesday 8:00 pm EST
Saturday 12:30 pm EST
We have fair rules for our members when it comes to lotting for relic and currency. Sponsored runs are available. In the case that more than one member wishes to sponsor the run, we allow co-sponsoring to be split. Up to four members can co-sponsor a run. In the case, no one wishes to sponsor a run all 100 bills will be open lot for all members of the linkshell (not just the sack holders).
If the rules and times sound good for you and you think you would like to be part of a new and growing dynamis linkshell full of friendly players please apply on our website forums.