Hello! >^.^< I'm seaching for a leathercrafter who wouldn't mind making a pair of San d'Orian Cesti (Kingdom would rock too, but I don't know how exceptional results work).
I can supply all of the materials needed, I just don't have the crafting levels, nor will anytime soon.
Earth crystal x1
Royal Archer's Cesti x1
Sheep Leather x1
*bows* Any help is greatly appreciated. I don't have much to give in exchange, but you could have the extra two sheep leather I have sitting in my inventory if they're not needed for the synth.
I can supply all of the materials needed, I just don't have the crafting levels, nor will anytime soon.
Earth crystal x1
Royal Archer's Cesti x1
Sheep Leather x1
*bows* Any help is greatly appreciated. I don't have much to give in exchange, but you could have the extra two sheep leather I have sitting in my inventory if they're not needed for the synth.