Why do people hate thf's? I really am curious. Its just that i cant get a PT for the life of me, someone has to REALLY like me for me to get into any sort of party post lvl 20 it seems; often times those people that do know me and may even tolerate/like me as a person are already grouped or offline. And i cant meet new people since... well, i cant get into friggin pick up parties. (Btw, im a lvl 23thf/10mnk mithra that goes by the name of Galatea.)
Are we that undesirable? Heck, i even tried different combinations of subs to perhaps increase my usefullness to a party be it /war for secondary provokes /whm for the whole 3 or 4 heals and so on. Yet it all boils down to my butt still running around with the seek flag up while parties with room decide to wait it out for that second WAR or even a 3rd mage. I dont recall thf's in beta putting up with this much neglect Earlier today i was invited to join a quifm pt, then not even 5 minutes pass that 'i kindly get asked to leave' since their ls buddy MNK decided he wanted to join. I got kicked out for a 2ND friggin monk ..without a sub... how lame is that? I dont even want to get started on what happens when i try to form a party Are we relegated to relying solely on those few friends/aquaintances that loved us during ghoul hunts? I dont wanna resort to having to make a mage, have done so for 46 lvls in beta as a rdm/whm.
If only i knew Japanese...then maybe i can get rejected in another language as well. There is a slight bright side to not getting invites, i did manage to raise 45k gil in addition to 2 lvls (lvl22and 23) soloing/farming easies but that not nearly as much fun as being in a pt.
I'm still not sure what my intentions with this post are, i didnt want it to be a rant, but i guess it is ... maybe im looking to meet peeps offline since im not often even given the chance ingame... so to close my 1st post in these boards ... if you can appreciate a THF as a pt member dont hesitate to send me a /tell.
Are we that undesirable? Heck, i even tried different combinations of subs to perhaps increase my usefullness to a party be it /war for secondary provokes /whm for the whole 3 or 4 heals and so on. Yet it all boils down to my butt still running around with the seek flag up while parties with room decide to wait it out for that second WAR or even a 3rd mage. I dont recall thf's in beta putting up with this much neglect Earlier today i was invited to join a quifm pt, then not even 5 minutes pass that 'i kindly get asked to leave' since their ls buddy MNK decided he wanted to join. I got kicked out for a 2ND friggin monk ..without a sub... how lame is that? I dont even want to get started on what happens when i try to form a party Are we relegated to relying solely on those few friends/aquaintances that loved us during ghoul hunts? I dont wanna resort to having to make a mage, have done so for 46 lvls in beta as a rdm/whm.
If only i knew Japanese...then maybe i can get rejected in another language as well. There is a slight bright side to not getting invites, i did manage to raise 45k gil in addition to 2 lvls (lvl22and 23) soloing/farming easies but that not nearly as much fun as being in a pt.
I'm still not sure what my intentions with this post are, i didnt want it to be a rant, but i guess it is ... maybe im looking to meet peeps offline since im not often even given the chance ingame... so to close my 1st post in these boards ... if you can appreciate a THF as a pt member dont hesitate to send me a /tell.