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SevenHeavens Recuirting

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  • #16
    Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

    Walks away ........ still hears air in the wind and leafs blowing


    • #17
      Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

      Go Sev!

      Keeping Purgonorgo Isle clothing optional sine 2004


      • #18
        Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

        Ok I have watched enough of this thread. Time to clear up a few things.

        I was the one who sent Teflon the email, she asked for a link to a post on SH site, I gave her the link, I still have the email probably in my aol somewhere if you would like a copy. The post that it concerened s no longer on the site, I have done some major spring cleaning to rid your name from any connections to SH ls.

        Now onto other matters. I do not know or care who brought the rl situations into a PUBLIC forum, it was beyond disgusting, this FD you keep going on about is what exactly?

        Again I am going to use very simple words, because I'm afraid anything else that is used just can't be comprehended by you Sev, go away, go crawl under a rock somewhere and stay there. You have really shown why I stopped talking to you before, and saying that we are stopping Thor from talking to you is pathetic, he is a grown man not a child, and he has his own mind.

        I am done with all this pathetic drama, seriously Sev grow the hell up.


        • #19
          Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

          You talk a big game until it gets into a public forum where you cant edit messages or make shit up because you cant handle your own shit, you admit to shit in tells but dont have the balls to say it in public, keep lying to you ls. Wanna know the funny thing you keep asking my friends to join sevenheavens go ask scout what i told him "There is good people in sevenheavens, but i wouldnt go back becuase of personal issues with rabbi" because that line is so talking shit i have had enough of you running your mouth threating MP, saying people are your spies lmao. Walk away, oh and FD is final destination the first shell that kicked you, because of you being a drunk, the part where i still stood up for you.
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


          • #20
            Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

            Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
            Ok I have watched enough of this thread. Time to clear up a few things.
            I was the one who sent Teflon the email, she asked for a link to a post on SH site, I gave her the link, I still have the email probably in my aol somewhere if you would like a copy. The post that it concerened s no longer on the site, I have done some major spring cleaning to rid your name from any connections to SH ls.
            Now onto other matters. I do not know or care who brought the rl situations into a PUBLIC forum, it was beyond disgusting, this FD you keep going on about is what exactly?
            Again I am going to use very simple words, because I'm afraid anything else that is used just can't be comprehended by you Sev, go away, go crawl under a rock somewhere and stay there. You have really shown why I stopped talking to you before, and saying that we are stopping Thor from talking to you is pathetic, he is a grown man not a child, and he has his own mind.
            I am done with all this pathetic drama, seriously Sev grow the hell up.

            so posting made this go away huh g? thor stopped talking to me becuase you said the post was from my ip which guess what you dont have! lmao keep it coming tho since i no longer care wtf i post seeing ima get blammed for shit anyways keep em coming. It was itaz not me or rabbi who braught up that situation, she had the right becuase rabbi involved all od FinalDestination in the matter.
            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



            • #21
              Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

              and how exactly did he involve them? Rabbi never posted on this thread til he found out that rl crap had been dragged up here. And again, I will break this down.

              What post is it that we are supposed to have edited? the pornographic posts you made w/ another member of the site? I removed the thread because of those posts, hell I should have just deleted everyon elses and sold it as web porn.

              And again w/ the Thor issue. Yes we sit at his shoulder and make sure he talks to only the people we appove of, that was sarcasm, sarcasm meet sev. Im of the opinion that even though this is a game you treat people the same as you would irl, but with the added bonus of a blst function. And since we are bringing up the fact that you say Thor wont talk to you etc, how about w/e you told another old ls member? (see I dont bring in names cause gee thats just me not wanting to be nasty to other ppl) This said member turned her back on me, refused to talk to me, then came a crawling saying that you had told her all these lies about me. Now maybe it was bad on my part not to ask specifically which lies, but I can live with that.

              Now again with the simple words, go away, you are rather tedious (do you need a dictionary for that one?).


              • #22
                Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
                and how exactly did he involve them? Rabbi never posted on this thread til he found out that rl crap had been dragged up here. And again, I will break this down.
                He didnt but he also wanted to come at me i didnt post shit about him and his rl issue, so im at fault riiight

                Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
                What post is it that we are supposed to have edited?
                I said i didnt trust you to edit my post and frankly i dont trust you or rabbi.

                Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
                the pornographic posts you made w/ another member of the site? I removed the thread because of those posts, hell I should have just deleted everyon elses and sold it as web porn.
                So me and shok joking around its now porn, cuz look at all the times i cybered her omg it was like an amazing NEVER so....GTFO

                Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
                And again w/ the Thor issue. Yes we sit at his shoulder and make sure he talks to only the people we appove of, that was sarcasm, sarcasm meet sev. Im of the opinion that even though this is a game you treat people the same as you would irl, but with the added bonus of a blst function. And since we are bringing up the fact that you say Thor wont talk to you etc
                Did you or did you not throw the It must be sev comment to him, he is going off the fact you said it was my ip which is a lie so thats why i blame you for infulence, was his decision but you lied ethier way.

                Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
                how about w/e you told another old ls member? (see I dont bring in names cause gee thats just me not wanting to be nasty to other ppl) This said member turned her back on me, refused to talk to me, then came a crawling saying that you had told her all these lies about me. Now maybe it was bad on my part not to ask specifically which lies, but I can live with that.
                You have yet to see me be nasty but if you really want, i can easly go and bring things from your real life, into the public. Oh and there is so freaking gems for flaming there! And the lies being Rabbi sent the email i said this because rabbi told me it was him! And that you called her a gear whore for lotting the freaking Sune-ate, and so you cant throw this in my face yup I called bones a gear whore because she wanted to lot everything. The said person was lotting A. Head and got sune-ate. I wish i remeber all the things bones wanted to lot on.

                Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
                Now again with the simple words, go away, you are rather tedious (do you need a dictionary for that one?).

                Lmao so im going to walk away while you keep talking shit, i dont think so but keep coming at me its funny to blow holes thru everything you say.
                [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                • #23
                  Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                  Is Glaive the only person on Ifrit to have mastered basic grammar?

                  Edit: and if you all know eachother in real life, take this crap off the forums...
                  I know I'm an a**hole - Reminding me is redundant.
                  Main: PLD75:Semi-retired
                  Fave: MNK64 (at time of writing)
                  Retired: {Other Jobs}
                  Gear & Stuff
                  The Guide to Partying in FFXI


                  • #24
                    Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                    Originally posted by Timian View Post
                    Is Glaive the only person on Ifrit to have mastered basic grammar?
                    Edit: and if you all know eachother in real life, take this crap off the forums...

                    its the internet, do i really care if my grammar is to your standards?

                    but basically gratz on post count+1

                    we know about each others irl, due to playing the game together for about 2 years.
                    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                    • #25
                      Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                      See here's the thing, I see no holes.

                      Yes some of the things you 2 wrote on that thread were pornographic, why do you think I stopped posting there?

                      You want to bring up my rl stuff? Go ahead, it will show you for the malicous fool you really are.

                      I had already told the said person exactly what I had said about the gear, so they already knew that and told me it was something else you had said, but that is their problem not mine, I do so love that blist function.

                      And oh look there is a function similar on this site, the internets a wonderful thing, looks like a lil x inside a red box.

                      Goodbye Sev, enjoy your little life.


                      • #26
                        Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                        Originally posted by Glaive101 View Post
                        See here's the thing, I see no holes.
                        Yes some of the things you 2 wrote on that thread were pornographic, why do you think I stopped posting there?
                        You want to bring up my rl stuff? Go ahead, it will show you for the malicous fool you really are.
                        I had already told the said person exactly what I had said about the gear, so they already knew that and told me it was something else you had said, but that is their problem not mine, I do so love that blist function.
                        And oh look there is a function similar on this site, the internets a wonderful thing, looks like a lil x inside a red box.
                        Goodbye Sev, enjoy your little life.

                        With you out of it "sis" I will, now maybe finally you will keep your hands out of other people's relationships. Now run along leave the forums go back to your own, you and rabbi can say how much I "have" changed. Yes I have changed, I'm sick of breaking my back for people to just have them leave a knife there, you two have left more then one.
                        [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                        • #27
                          Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                          thread reported. If you want to flame each other, use AIM, another forum, or hell, go to a bar and start a fist fight. Don't bring that shit here.


                          • #28
                            Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                            fyi i sent a pm to a mod yesterday
                            [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                            • #29
                              Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                              Classic shit rabbi or glaive post your ls shit on our website cuz you can handle people talking back about you

                              Originally posted by WeeeBro
                              Hey Hey hiya ladies and gents doing im here to tell you about a great ls that can kill the kitty ^^ and has a better lotting system then Mp want you to check us out ^^ here goes nothing Ok to make this fair to everyone we will have a points based lotting system. Web site to see more Great people and will welcome you with open arms ^^ /joy

                              For each farming run or god run members will recieve the folowing

                              5 points for arriving in sky on time.
                              5 points for every succesfull NM.
                              10 points for every god.

                              Each member gets 10 points whe they join just because we are nice
                              Once each new member has attended 2 sky runs they are eligible to bid for items.

                              Points will be added to the member list so you can check to see how many you have.

                              Before each god that we kill we will have a basic auction where members who can use the item that may drop bid with their points. The winner of the bid gets the item if it drops, if it doesnt drop you don't lose any points. If no one bids for the particular item it will go int a rot for jobs who can use it.

                              The same applies for items that are dropped from the NMs such as the katana from Mother Globe are free lotted

                              Sellable items such as shining cloths and anything else will be sold on the auction house and the profits split between all that were at that particular run. If however you wish to buy the items to have something crafted for yourself such as the shining cloth to make a nobles tunic we will arrange a discount for you, and the gil will be split between everyone else.

                              Members who are ingame and do not attend the run will have their lotting abilities suspended for a duration to be determined at the time. All members must post in the relevant section if they know they can not attend a particular run.
                              [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]



                              • #30
                                Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting

                                Sorry sorry. Please take your arguments to a private medium. There's no need for this. Thread's closed.
                                PSN ID - PaiPai Gamertag - PaiPaiMaster Steam ID: Pai Pai Master
                                Rockman - Fairy

                                WIN8-1/ZM (Clear)/PM (Clear)/AM (Clear)/WotG3/ACP1
                                Currently Playing:
                                FINAL FANTASY XIII, Starcraft 2 Beta

