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SevenHeavens Recuirting
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
Dear FFXIONLINE MODS please allow this post to stay up atleast 4 days i was wrongly accused and would like to post this in a place it can not be altered, after for day feel free to remove delete or edit it, i am only trying to clear my name because i am losing good friends over someone's lies. Thank you very much i am sorry to cause drama here but its the only site i trust to be nuetral.
Well good morning its 4 am, since my orignal accoutn was deactivate i made this brand new one. Since Owl told me wtf was going on. i decided to drive to work to actually be able to get on the internet - ps2. Good thing my neighbor was coming home so i didnt have to make a 30 min drive into work. SO i heard how you tracked my ip and it was the same umm new flash i havent been on tis site sine i left ls and as of this very min. Thor u asked me about the shit i didnt f***ing know what you wer talking about its a common slang. Owl also told me you verified this with Catilina i hate to bring her up but i had a nice talk with her and fattino tonight about this and she said its not how i type. A) i dont care about wtf you guys do ne more cuz im not in the ls, nor do i run around saying oh screw sh, sorry to dissapoint but im above that.
Not to mention but the poster says " I MAD WEAK THAT U HAVENT ASKED THIS ONE CERTAIN PLAYER ON IFIRT TO JOIN THIS LAME SKY LS" When i was in ackz rabbi and glaive asked me plenty of times to come to seveheavens i bet if you start at the beging of the "epic thread" you will see them ask me more then once even shok offer a lap dance to join lol.
I dont care to take your ls down really i could give to shit about what you all do, im happy where i am, i have fun again and thats that.
Also hard for me to make ne money with a new ls when i havent done sky with them and with mp doing a single run a week how the hell could we make more money that shit is just stupid i mean seriously.
i have 14 characters on ifrit, 1 on kujata with a sky pearl. I am near broke in the game so im not making thousands of dollars from the game i have a high craft of 53, and i dont have enough time to even try to make money from a game never the less even attempt to make money from the game. The only known person who admits to selling gil for irl money is twig.
now im not even gonna get into the shit rabbi has tried to pull with lying to tef, because thats why i blisted rabbi. I WILL NOT EDIT THIS POST AT ALL I AM ALSO GOING TO POST THIS ON THE FFXIONLINE SITE UNDER IFRITWEBSITE AS IS IF THIS IS EDITED SOME ONE IN YOUR LS IS LYING TO YOU, I WILL COME BACK TO CHECK THIS POST AND IF IT IS EDITED THEN I WILL TAKE THE NEXT ACTION, lets let this end like this I am done with sh for a second time! gtfo over blaming me for your shit , and let me and sevenheavens shit die seriously.
Thanks 0
Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
......What? Dude, seriously, work on your grammar, I couldn't understand half of what the hell that is you just wrote, I can't even tell what the issue is aside from the Linkshell to Linkshell drama(if I even read that right). It doesn't have to be perfect A+ English class work, but that's just unacceptable what you just wrote -_-.Cleverness - Hades
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
He's heated, so forgive the grammer. I know a couple of the people he mentioned, though no real interaction with most of them. I love the drama people create for what ever reason. But oh well, suppose FFXI emulates drama just like some people use it to emulate life.
Sorry to hear you're having problems with your LS, hope everything ends smoothly.
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
it was 4 in the morning and i was barely awake sorry guys.
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
Hm, I do. Well, I know the people. Sev was my old LS leader, and is more like my in-game big bro.I'm used to how he gets when he gets super pissed. More Endgame drama, it seems. Rabbi being at some center of it, as always. Not shocking there. The guy always rubbed me the wrong way.
So what happened this time, Boss? What'd they do to ya? Cuz I couldn't really gather it from your rant.
Also, I meant to tell you in game last night, but you were in a party...
Val thinks he's going to quit XI. He and I sat down last night and realized there wasn't alot of reason for either of us to keep playing. 75 and then what? Neither of us wants to fuck with Sky, for reasons you make obvious. I've not heard of you, Cat, Thorf, or anyone getting in a shell that didn't lack serious drama at times. Even Sho has had issues and I believe you're all in totally different shells, correct? 4 people. 4 different HNM/Sky or Dyna shells, and nothing but drama.
Anyway, as I was saying, he doesn't want to do sky for hours every few days. Neither of us sees the point in 2+ hours in Dynamis for weeks until we get enough points, on the off chance that a piece we need might drop, maybe, if the SE Gods smile on us... only to do a little better next Dynamis.
As he said: "I can't be one of those people who collect gear just for the sake of collecting it." And neither can I. It's too much of a time sink, and yet there's nothing else to bother achieving 75 for. He's all but certain he's done, and will probably deactivate in the next few days.
I'll stay on for a bit. My brother is wanting to come back to the game, and to Ifrit, and I may level with him, long enough to finish my whm sub, then solo to 75 on bombs, and be more or less done, myself. I doubt I'm going to take up a second job (despite that being my original plan), just spend time helping newbies. Endgame.. and even the game.. really isn't for me anymore. But I don't want to totally quit yet.
He's going to LotRO. I'll be on PSU mostly though, and if I can get a cheap, decent DVD-ROM drive, I'll probably be going to LotR as well. If not, I'll be waiting for Dynasty Warriors: Broadband."If you keep me waiting much longer, it damn well better be the end of the Galaxy." ~ Kaidan
~There's gonna come a day, and I can't wait to see your face...~
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
again i am sorry about my grammar 4 in the morning half asleep and pissed not a good combinations. To sum shit up because i refuse to rewrite that and would edit the orignal post, someone if not rabbi himself made and account on SH's website. They said it was my ip the one im posting from now, my work ip seeing my computer at home has been broken. It would be impossible for me to post that due to the fact i was exping my warrior from 11am to about 2am, with enghorr. They said that they had verified my ip with my exgf Cat, which i talked to her she lold said rabbi would then be lying, and didnt know even how to see an ip.
Because of the spite rabbi has for me he has now turned one of my best friends in this game against me, thorsvald. And harassed my gf enough she left me, basically i really no longer care how im view by the server, and ifrit there is more to that situation then you even know i was the only person to defend him even after he made himself look like an ass in FD.
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
first off i turned noone on you sev you did that to yourself not me. 2nd i don't even know what FD is and that is my personal shit would somone please delete this that is way beyond the game so thanks whoever you are that posted that but i would like that delete this cause that is wrong in so many ways and if you dont agree with that then you have no hearts
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
just like you braught my daughter into the other night, or how you sent tef so many tells she broke up with me because you where harassing you? You said it was my ip, that you dont even have.
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
Sev i dont want to hear your name your dead that was way to far man cause i told only you about that crap im not bring drama onto this site and tef you dont even know me so hmm as always i bring drama funny there was no drama in my shell til sev came then i lost people cause he yelled at them kinda funny there SEV you DEAD to me im not playing go away and never turn back to look im done im washing my hands now please just delete the topic cause all he is gonna do is whine and flame and i dont want that on your site see you again Thanks for delete that /bow
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
a) i didnt tell Itaz about that b) you were drunk and whined about it on FD thats how people know c) finally maybe you will leave shit alone i tried to end it the other night when you said you will make sure MP break apart dont forget i screenshotted the whole convo (^.^) <^>.
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
wait i tried to end it but you keep bringing into peoples forums hmm oooh and now i remember tel the little slut i kicked from you ls that i really didnt kick yeah i remember now then you got pissed at me cause she had a b/f and you wanted in her pants just you wanted in herseys and morna yep fun fun no i dont think i can hear your voice anymore .............................. yea nothing but dead air keep it that wayLast edited by rabbi; 04-17-2007, 07:17 AM.
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Re: SevenHeavens Recuirting
funny thing the ss say i didnt kick you or ask you to leave then you say you did, Oh and the email you sent to tef that you admit to but you dont know her cool shit, like you didnt blame her for the same post. I told you i posted it her as well so that you couldnt edit it, oh wait is your bs falling apart now rabbi? Who had a b/f? Hersey and me were friends a little more until i found out she was lying and it got ended at that point. Morna is still one of my best firends who is a girl just like suze, ya i wanted in mornas pants right thats why im good friends with her husband, and attending thier wedding, so ne other shit you wanna bring up and fail at?
oh ya i really dont care ne more so keep coming at rabbi ill keep coming at you making you look like the ass you are.
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