Don't read this if you're allegic to rants or flames; I need to get this lousy partying experience off my chest, but can't bring myself back to Allakhazam to do it. =b
Bad attitude inside; you've been warned
I don't normally get mad at incompetance in PUG's (pick-up groups); I just /sigh at it and let it go, and maybe make a few snide remarks on the LS chat. Last night, though, someone got through to me--and, that wasn't a good thing.
After long time seeking, finally received an /tell on DRK24/RNG12. Unfortunately, due to the excitement of actually receiving an invite, I accepted without noticing the leader is SAM24/WAR5. (Or was that SAM23? SAM25? /WAR5 was for sure, though.) Still, after a brief conversation, he seemed nice enough, and I decided to stay in the party. (Yes, yes; my fault.)
It was... bad.
It was a 5/6 party for the duration, didn't have a real tank, and the leader wanted to designate a tank based on the highest defense. I came in second on DRK/RNG, to the leader's SAM/WAR, with defence difference of 1.
However, I knew that switching to /WAR and changing a few gear and possibly adding boiled crab, I can easily top him. By a lot. With Last Resort and Weapon Bash, I also had a few more enmity tools. As much as I loath tanking on DRK, I volunteered to be tank, and the leader became puller.
Mokuba: SAM24/WAR5 (*leader*)
Itazura: DRK24/WAR12 (bleh on /WAR)
Kurodu: SAM25/WAR12
Rhonso: THF26/NIN13
Tinyguy: RDM24/WHM12
With THF in party, it became obvous during first battle that I had no chance of keeping the mandy in place if I don't output more damage. Sacraficing defense for damage, I gulped Dhalmel Pie and Rice Dumpling instead of steamed crab, and watched my HP number drop below 20 frequently. But, that's not the real story.
Now, I'm no great puller myself, but this leader-puller managed to aggro three Goblin Smithy in between 13 battles. I could just manage to tank those at PLD25 with a great WHM in my LS static party, but even that was risky. No way I can tank a Smithy on DRK24 outfitted mostly for damage. Still, I managed to notice two of the Smithies in time, and voked them off of the dying leader to zone. On the third one, I had to run into Kazam to change to RDM to come raise him.
So, on the 14th pull, this Mokuba managed to aggroed yet another Goblin after pulling a mandy. Of course, he didn't say anything on the party chat.
I didn't notice the goblin; the camp was behind a fence, and I was busy spamming /ta <bt> trying to target the mandy and voke before it beats up the gimpy taru leader-puller. Well, needless to say, the leader-puller didn't make the zone.
Did I mentioned the SAM was AFK at the time?
Anyway, the THF, RDM, and myself took on mandy. The leader?
Mokuba HP'ed and disbanded. Mid fight. The party broke up. (Duh.)
I was mad; mad enough to pick a fight. >_>; (Sorry.)
I sent him /tell's letting him know what a horrible leader and puller he was. He didn't understand the part about bad leader (the important part), but he bit on to the part about bad puller.
He claimed it was my fault he died. Unbelievable.
Nothing on the /p chat regarding aggro or gob. He's a Tarutaru with lower than normal HP thanks to gimped support job. He missed out on Defense Bonus from not having /WAR10 or higher. And, he volunteered himself to pull.
Yet, it's my fault I didn't save him with a provoke. Nevermind I was voking the BATTLE TARGET from behind a view blocking fence. -_-#
His reason for knowing for sure it's not his deficiency in skill or gimped support job, but my lacking?
Yes, Mokuba is a BLM60, much higher level than my DRK24, so he knew for sure it's not his fault. More than that, his extremely under-leveled sub job isn't a factor in anything, since his main job isn't a "Melee".
Ifrit server is actually full of many nice and intelligent people, but once in a blue moon, I just want to reach out and choke someone. Last night, the moon must have been bluest ever since I started playing.
* * *
I wonder if that Mokuba, with his wonderful BLM60, would have turned around to say I was right and he was wrong, if he knew I'm RDM62. After all, I know what I'm talking about since I'm two whole levels higher.
Nah, doubt it.
He'll invent some other form of delusions, for sure; for some people, it's just inconceivable they could be at fault or be wrong in anyway. Let's just hope none of those ilk ever come to position of power in real life or something.
After long time seeking, finally received an /tell on DRK24/RNG12. Unfortunately, due to the excitement of actually receiving an invite, I accepted without noticing the leader is SAM24/WAR5. (Or was that SAM23? SAM25? /WAR5 was for sure, though.) Still, after a brief conversation, he seemed nice enough, and I decided to stay in the party. (Yes, yes; my fault.)
It was... bad.
It was a 5/6 party for the duration, didn't have a real tank, and the leader wanted to designate a tank based on the highest defense. I came in second on DRK/RNG, to the leader's SAM/WAR, with defence difference of 1.
However, I knew that switching to /WAR and changing a few gear and possibly adding boiled crab, I can easily top him. By a lot. With Last Resort and Weapon Bash, I also had a few more enmity tools. As much as I loath tanking on DRK, I volunteered to be tank, and the leader became puller.
Mokuba: SAM24/WAR5 (*leader*)
Itazura: DRK24/WAR12 (bleh on /WAR)
Kurodu: SAM25/WAR12
Rhonso: THF26/NIN13
Tinyguy: RDM24/WHM12
With THF in party, it became obvous during first battle that I had no chance of keeping the mandy in place if I don't output more damage. Sacraficing defense for damage, I gulped Dhalmel Pie and Rice Dumpling instead of steamed crab, and watched my HP number drop below 20 frequently. But, that's not the real story.
Now, I'm no great puller myself, but this leader-puller managed to aggro three Goblin Smithy in between 13 battles. I could just manage to tank those at PLD25 with a great WHM in my LS static party, but even that was risky. No way I can tank a Smithy on DRK24 outfitted mostly for damage. Still, I managed to notice two of the Smithies in time, and voked them off of the dying leader to zone. On the third one, I had to run into Kazam to change to RDM to come raise him.
So, on the 14th pull, this Mokuba managed to aggroed yet another Goblin after pulling a mandy. Of course, he didn't say anything on the party chat.
I didn't notice the goblin; the camp was behind a fence, and I was busy spamming /ta <bt> trying to target the mandy and voke before it beats up the gimpy taru leader-puller. Well, needless to say, the leader-puller didn't make the zone.
Did I mentioned the SAM was AFK at the time?
Anyway, the THF, RDM, and myself took on mandy. The leader?
(Mokuba) Lets {Disband} this Party Stinks lol
I was mad; mad enough to pick a fight. >_>; (Sorry.)
I sent him /tell's letting him know what a horrible leader and puller he was. He didn't understand the part about bad leader (the important part), but he bit on to the part about bad puller.
He claimed it was my fault he died. Unbelievable.
Nothing on the /p chat regarding aggro or gob. He's a Tarutaru with lower than normal HP thanks to gimped support job. He missed out on Defense Bonus from not having /WAR10 or higher. And, he volunteered himself to pull.
Yet, it's my fault I didn't save him with a provoke. Nevermind I was voking the BATTLE TARGET from behind a view blocking fence. -_-#
His reason for knowing for sure it's not his deficiency in skill or gimped support job, but my lacking?
Mokuba>> Believe Me im higher then you i know what im talking about
>>Mokuba : Yes, Mr. gimp sub job.
>>Mokuba : sure you do.
Mokuba>> Because My main isnt a Melee retard
>>Mokuba : Yes, Mr. gimp sub job.
>>Mokuba : sure you do.
Mokuba>> Because My main isnt a Melee retard
Ifrit server is actually full of many nice and intelligent people, but once in a blue moon, I just want to reach out and choke someone. Last night, the moon must have been bluest ever since I started playing.
* * *
I wonder if that Mokuba, with his wonderful BLM60, would have turned around to say I was right and he was wrong, if he knew I'm RDM62. After all, I know what I'm talking about since I'm two whole levels higher.

Nah, doubt it.
He'll invent some other form of delusions, for sure; for some people, it's just inconceivable they could be at fault or be wrong in anyway. Let's just hope none of those ilk ever come to position of power in real life or something.