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Knights Journey LS open again

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  • Knights Journey LS open again

    Knights Journey LS open again (Ifrit Server)

    For those who never heard of this LS this is the 1st All Paladin LS in FFXI history and one of the LS that help embrace job specific LS long time ago in order for fellowship and to further advance our skills with our job class. I am not going in detail about requirements but simply looking for players hardcore about Paladin job and specially for PLD/RDM soloers out there.

    If you are a player who likes to simply adventure as a Paladin, learn from other Paladins, meet players that are hardcore about the job please come and join. However if your an ass and just join to brag about how good you are or how ubber your gear is. This is not a job class fellowship LS for you.

    If you are interested please send these people a /tell in game


    For those who was a KJ Paladin from long time ago, we welcome you with open arms regardless of what happen before whether its good or bad, I will always remember the good times. Thanks everyone for reading this! /bow

  • #2
    Re: Knights Journey LS open again

    ENG!!!! sup bro =P
    [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]


    • #3
      Re: Knights Journey LS open again

      sup sev lol hey what cop u on man>? Im doing ghost fight tommorow hopefully and get swift belt


      • #4
        Re: Knights Journey LS open again

        Hey eng happy to see ur still goin and the Ls wish i was there still with ya happy tanking to ya lol


        • #5
          Re: Knights Journey LS open again

          Eng man come back hope eld passed the message onto you and your doing ok bro
          [FFXI Journal][Pld][War][Nin][Drg][Rng][Brd]

