I live a pretty insular virtual life on the Ifrit server; I don't really interact with people much with those outside of my LS or /flist. (Well, also random pick-up groups, but those don't count much.)
Every so often, though, I do wonder who are the "big names" out there, and why they are famous.
So, please mention a few people who are well know on Ifrit.
(No flaming or character assassination, please; if a person is notorious or controversal, just state so plainly--tall tales about some "f*ck*ng *#$&(*@# *(#*$# _____" are not the kind of responses I 'm looking for. m(_ _)m )

Every so often, though, I do wonder who are the "big names" out there, and why they are famous.
So, please mention a few people who are well know on Ifrit.

(No flaming or character assassination, please; if a person is notorious or controversal, just state so plainly--tall tales about some "f*ck*ng *#$&(*@# *(#*$# _____" are not the kind of responses I 'm looking for. m(_ _)m )