New ls recruiting now at It is going to be doing SKY, SEA, DYNAMIS, HNM/NM. We are going to be using a point system although it is going to be quite a bit diffrent then most you've seen i think. if your interested give me a /tell or stop by my site. I'll also give you guys a rundown on some of the rules and some diffrent things about the point system.
1: All points are "LS Points" which can be spent anywhere meaning what you earn in sky you can spend in dynamis... The reason for this is cause not everyone can make events. I know a lot of people that can't make dynamis events to earn points.
2: Even though i'm the leader the actual LS structure is split up into "Cells" So the Sky officers run there event independent of say the HNM/NM officers.
3: There are going to be multiple events at one time so you can attend what you want. So if you aren't in the mood to farm in SEA you can go camp a NM.
4: You aren't obligated. The reason i hope people will wear my pearl is cause the love the ls... not because i force them to only have one. I don't care if you get your points get your item and leave. By getting points you earn what you get. If i expect something after you earned your points the item would be worth more.
so the point is even you sign up with my ls and carry a pearl you aren't obligated to be in it all the time. you can earn points toward anything you want. The ls isn't going to be restricted so you have to earn points in 5 diffrent ls's cause you want 5 items from diffrent areas of the game.
It is free for anyone that applys to try the ls out.. you wont loose anything there is no commitment.
i don't want to post everything here cause then you'll have a single post 20miles long and no one is going to want to read that.
Anyway hope to talk to anyone interested and i'll see you guys in game
1: All points are "LS Points" which can be spent anywhere meaning what you earn in sky you can spend in dynamis... The reason for this is cause not everyone can make events. I know a lot of people that can't make dynamis events to earn points.
2: Even though i'm the leader the actual LS structure is split up into "Cells" So the Sky officers run there event independent of say the HNM/NM officers.
3: There are going to be multiple events at one time so you can attend what you want. So if you aren't in the mood to farm in SEA you can go camp a NM.
4: You aren't obligated. The reason i hope people will wear my pearl is cause the love the ls... not because i force them to only have one. I don't care if you get your points get your item and leave. By getting points you earn what you get. If i expect something after you earned your points the item would be worth more.
so the point is even you sign up with my ls and carry a pearl you aren't obligated to be in it all the time. you can earn points toward anything you want. The ls isn't going to be restricted so you have to earn points in 5 diffrent ls's cause you want 5 items from diffrent areas of the game.
It is free for anyone that applys to try the ls out.. you wont loose anything there is no commitment.
i don't want to post everything here cause then you'll have a single post 20miles long and no one is going to want to read that.
Anyway hope to talk to anyone interested and i'll see you guys in game