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Money making guide for Newbs(gilgamish)
Re: Money making guide for Newbs(gilgamish)
Hm.. Making gil as a brand new character:
1. get signet (and get it refreshed when it expires) from the gate guard so that creatures that you kill drop crystals. Remember to 'autosort' while you are outside the city gates in order to 'stack' like items ^~
2. Though it will seem ridiculous, sometimes a NPC merchant close to a AH will sell a item for less than the selling price there. They may tend to be slow movers - such as scrolls - but it sure helped me at the start.
3. Start a character in another city - maybe, both other cities. This gives you more Mog House space, more AH slots, and the ability to 'delivery box' items that are more available elsewhere. Also, you may buy & sell where the price is best.
4 Once you get to where you are gaining income beyond the sale of crystals, I recommend leveling up a craft skill. Or, at least, do something such as mining, or fishing (or w/e).
5. Plan ahead (even before you logon) what you would like to do. Check a web-site or two - such as - to find out pricing, crafting recipes, etc.
Game On Everyone!while helping a friend with a HL level mission..
"np - just raise me again - Bard is still effective while cursed,
plus, just being a Bard IS a exp buffer"
Thanks 0