I've been wondering if anyone wants to start a Thieves Guild? It may sound a bit cheesy, but I thought it would be kind of cool. I could buy the link shell for it, and people who were interested in joining could leave me a message on here and i could send one to your mog house. I was thinking that maybe we could have meetings? Try and trade a few things, talk about party tactics. We could set up a ranking system within our guild. I've been interested in doing this for a while, I think it would help me to get into the game alot more. I'm leaving this open to suggestions..any idea's maybe? Or people just think its downright stupid, you could tell me
. If enough people agreed to do something like this, then we could...haha i dont know draft like a Thieves Guild Charter. First few people to get something started with me could become leaders maybe, then we could think of a ranking system for everyone else. Man i've got so many idea's running through my head and i'm getting rather excited.