..Or whatever the hell it's called. Anyone else excited for this? I just looked at the screenshots on the POL Viewer (had seen a few before), and it looks amazing. The new areas look great (I'm not really interested in the new jobs, perfectly happy with the currents). What's your opinion on the expansion thus far and what are you looking forward to most?
No announcement yet.
Treasures of Aht'Urgan
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Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
Blue mage looks pretty awesome. That abandoned ghost ship area thing looks pretty sweet too. =O
Thanks 0
Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
Yea that boobie wont be staying in place much longer it's my guess.
Anyway i think this thread is kinda redundant no? We have several threads where you couldve expressed your opinion on TAU, no need to create more... why not contribute to the already existing threads?signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
well golly gee~ now I have a clear understanding why this furom is dead. these idiots are the ones that killed it...
anyways, to stay topic, I personally aren't too enthusiastic about the new expansion(meh....I dunno why). Bluemage doesn't excite me. maybe if Cetra wore the BLU Af and belly danced then I'll like it >.>
the new areas are really gorgeous~ but I doubt that I'd visit them anytime soon since I'm a low lvl nooblet again =/ don't think I'll get the expansion anytime soon.
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Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
No, you're the idiot.
And the forum is dead how? we have over 200 new messages everyday, so go choke yourself and try not to make too much of a mess.
Flame on baby, flame on.signatures are for pussies mew mew mew, here's mine
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Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
Originally posted by Unemployedomg XD fucking retard. go back to Ragnarok you ganker, obviously there isn't 200 messages if your bored enough to read here in this DEAD forum. go have your mother sit on your face or someting.
{Notice} {Child} {Found It!}
{Please do not abbreviate your words.}
{Run away!}
I alone post 200 message a day -.- Go back to your RP forums and wank on cybersex with 13 year old boys.
{Death} {You can have this.}
Last edited by Kittyneko; 12-21-2005, 03:26 AM.http://www.ffxiah.com/player.php?id=953347
War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75
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Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
Originally posted by Unemployedomg XD fucking retard. go back to Ragnarok you ganker, obviously there isn't 200 messages if your bored enough to read here in this DEAD forum. go have your mother sit on your face or someting.
Secondly, a dead forum has less than 30 messages a day, this one has a minimum of 200 a day.
3rdly, its christmas time so people are spending more time having to do teh family thing and waste money on pointless presents (***scrouge***)
Obviously with these comments your a child, all i can say is grow up or join killing ifrit forum where a bunch of wankers just slag each other off all day in a pointless monitude of childish philistinism.
Double Post Edited:
Originally posted by BalfreeYea that boobie wont be staying in place much longer it's my guess.
Anyway i think this thread is kinda redundant no? We have several threads where you couldve expressed your opinion on TAU, no need to create more... why not contribute to the already existing threads?
Originally Posted by Palin2222
Many, many times during your life you will look at your reflection in a mirror and ask yourself: am I Spoony?
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Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
Firstly do you know the meaning of retard?
On topic.
I've playing around with THF (had someone make some Flachon's which I made into Flame Blades). I hope they make more of these swords cause I look bad ass with 'em.
Sky: O Sea: O ToAU: O
Tier 1 Assault -.-;
Having Fun: X (Only when in Limbus as THF)
Thanks 0
Re: Treasures of Aht'Urgan
I wont even rise to the bait!!
On topic, does anyone know how many new jobs there are supposed to be (even if we don't know what tehy will be?) Also does anyone know if teh caps are going to be increased on the other jobs for this?
Thanks 0