I've just returned from a 2yr break...
When I played I was part of a great linkshell called KnightsOfPromethia, but it disbanded during my absense.
So I've chosen to revive it
Im looking for newb members, experienced members.
Im Australian and all Aussies and US and EU are welcome, hell anyone assumming you speak english.
The community that was KnightsOfPrometiha was very close, everyone helped each other and in the end made the experience much greater.
Im on Diabolis, tell Ogy and in time with luck KnightsOfPromethia will rise again.
When I played I was part of a great linkshell called KnightsOfPromethia, but it disbanded during my absense.
So I've chosen to revive it

Im looking for newb members, experienced members.
Im Australian and all Aussies and US and EU are welcome, hell anyone assumming you speak english.
The community that was KnightsOfPrometiha was very close, everyone helped each other and in the end made the experience much greater.
Im on Diabolis, tell Ogy and in time with luck KnightsOfPromethia will rise again.