Well reading around and having this start to really aggrevate me.. I say anyone who here... (The rare few of us) that play on Diabolos and post here create a Standing List. Please Post the Common naming Convention and then a List below of the characters you've seen, And I'll try to put it all into one organized Top post!
Logging Botters:
1. The "happy-"s > Location tends to be Ghelsba Outpost
- happynew
- happynewyear
- happyyear
Gil Botters:
1. "Xable-" > Location moves as they level and can farm better.
- Xablemonk
- Xablesnow
- Xablemage
- Xablestr
Quest Botters:
1. "boy-" > Saw them on my trip to Bastok, 5 or 6 bots all auto-running together back and forth, doing an easy newbie quest back and forth over and over not doign anything else, and all wearing starting gear.
- boyaa
- boybb
- boycc
- boydd
- boyee
- boyff
>>>>>>>>Updated As of October 3rd 2004<<<<<<<<<
Logging Botters:
1. The "happy-"s > Location tends to be Ghelsba Outpost
- happynew
- happynewyear
- happyyear
Gil Botters:
1. "Xable-" > Location moves as they level and can farm better.
- Xablemonk
- Xablesnow
- Xablemage
- Xablestr
Quest Botters:
1. "boy-" > Saw them on my trip to Bastok, 5 or 6 bots all auto-running together back and forth, doing an easy newbie quest back and forth over and over not doign anything else, and all wearing starting gear.
- boyaa
- boybb
- boycc
- boydd
- boyee
- boyff
>>>>>>>>Updated As of October 3rd 2004<<<<<<<<<