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Back in Black

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  • Back in Black

    After taking a break from the game back in March, I've returned with my roommate (a WAR 13). You may see us somewhere in the Dunes, killing sandbats in the tunnel while occasionally checking for a party.

    (It's actually harder to find a party when you're with someone than alone, I think...)

    Anyway, back to leveling my sub-job of BLM...
    Daos Soulstaff
    Hume WHM 21, BLM 20
    Alchemy 12.6, Fishing 0.1
    Bastok Rank 2

    "Humanity spends way too much time making sure everyone's opinion is heard instead of making sure their opinion is worth hearing." - [GM]Dave

  • #2
    Re: Back in Black

    It is a bit more difficult to find a party that has two (or more) slots open that fit your group. My friends and I (2XSamurai + Paladin) did this for some time.

    What we did, with a fair amount of success, was once we were all on, we'd all put up our flags with /search comments saying {Invite to join party} with the names and levels of the other two.

    Then as we went about our business of getting ready to xp, if we hadn't received any invites by then, we'd start assembling our own party.

    If there weren't enough seeking, we'd often go out and team farm, keeping our flags up, until we either got invites or enough players started seeking to make a party.

    If I were to hazard a guess, I'd say we ended up making our own parties about 70% of the time.

    signature by fallenintoshadows


    • #3
      Re: Back in Black

      Indeed. And it probably doesn't help that my roommate and I don't particularly care about being 100% 'optimized.' For instance, my roommate plays a WAR who wields a great sword instead of a great axe! (Dun, dun, duuuuun!)

      But, hey, we have fun. We should probably look into starting our own parties. I really don't have a lot of experience leading, but then...this IS the Dunes we're talking about.

      I might even look into starting our own linkshell someday.
      Daos Soulstaff
      Hume WHM 21, BLM 20
      Alchemy 12.6, Fishing 0.1
      Bastok Rank 2

      "Humanity spends way too much time making sure everyone's opinion is heard instead of making sure their opinion is worth hearing." - [GM]Dave

