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Warriors and Red Mages

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  • Warriors and Red Mages

    Hi, I'm new to the game, to Cerberus, and to these forums.

    I've noticed something in the short time I've been here, at least in Bastok and Gustaberg. There are a massive amount of Warriors and Red Mages, but not much else.

    So far, I've met 4 Red Mages, 10 Warriors, 1 Monk, and 1 Thief. I just met the last two fairly recently, and I'm glad, because I was beginning to wonder if I would ever meet anyone who wasn't either a Warrior or Red Mage.

    Is this normal, or do I just have strange luck? If this is the norm, why are these classes so insanely popular? Why no love for Black Mages and White Mages?
    Daos Soulstaff
    Hume WHM 21, BLM 20
    Alchemy 12.6, Fishing 0.1
    Bastok Rank 2

    "Humanity spends way too much time making sure everyone's opinion is heard instead of making sure their opinion is worth hearing." - [GM]Dave

  • #2
    Re: Warriors and Red Mages

    It's an observable fact that a lot of people (read: most) want to hit things and see big numbers. Of the 6 starting jobs (Warrior, Thief, Monk, Red Mage, White Mage, Black Mage), Warrior is the most flexible since it's an good subjob for virtually all melee damage specialist jobs (Monk, Thief, Dragoon, Samurai, Ranger, Dark Knight), and it's the most commonly used tank subjob (Paladin, Ninja).

    As for Red Mages, a lot of new players are drawn to it because it "has everything". They don't generally realize that Red Mage isn't really the job they think it is - for the first 40 levels, yes, Red Mage can do just a little of everything, from melee, to nuke, to heal. After that, though, Red Mage becomes just as much of a dedicated spellcaster as the other mage jobs, and causes all kinds of havoc as people start realizing it's not the "best" job - merely a good job with its own merits.

    It's also important to note that Warrior gets more party invitations than Monk or Thief, and that Red Mage holds the best invite rates for mages among the 6 starting jobs.



    • #3
      Re: Warriors and Red Mages

      Yea, a lot of experienced players that make a new character start out with Warrior. Youre just new in the game, soon enough you will find out there are tons of people playing each job, theres no job thats really "left-out". Even the jobs that are globally(lol><) known to be most disliked, like Dragoon, are not rare. So I guess its more of a strange luck you saw so many warrior and red mage :p

      War75 Thf75 Pld75 Sam75 Mnk75 Rdm75 Nin75 Bard 75


      • #4
        Re: Warriors and Red Mages

        It could be a while until you see a Puppetmaster though XD. You know, I've still only ever partied with a PUP once.


        • #5
          Re: Warriors and Red Mages

          It's also important to note that Warrior gets more party invitations than Monk or Thief, and that Red Mage holds the best invite rates for mages among the 6 starting jobs.
          Really? Even better than White Mage? Because since I hit level 10, I tend to get, on average, three to five party invites a day. And I never, ever have my flag up. About 99% of those invites come from a place called Valkrum Dunes, a place I haven't visited yet. I guess I should eventually head that way someday, but I hear such horror stories about it.
          Daos Soulstaff
          Hume WHM 21, BLM 20
          Alchemy 12.6, Fishing 0.1
          Bastok Rank 2

          "Humanity spends way too much time making sure everyone's opinion is heard instead of making sure their opinion is worth hearing." - [GM]Dave


          • #6
            Re: Warriors and Red Mages

            Valkrum is not that bad, given that you get lucky and get a smart party with a lotta time. When I was lvling RDM in Valkrum, I got from 10-18 in one day, one party. But there aren't many good party leaders, so things tend to get messy (I've had a lvl 10 Thief try to pull the Valkrum Emporer...)


            • #7
              Re: Warriors and Red Mages

              Originally posted by Daos View Post
              Really? Even better than White Mage? Because since I hit level 10, I tend to get, on average, three to five party invites a day. And I never, ever have my flag up. About 99% of those invites come from a place called Valkrum Dunes, a place I haven't visited yet. I guess I should eventually head that way someday, but I hear such horror stories about it.
              For the first 39 levels, White Mages get more invites than Red Mages since they're a stronger dedicated healer. However, once Red Mages hit level 40+, they become powerhouse mages with a huge supply of MP available to support a party, with both Convert and Refresh available to them by level 41.



              • #8
                Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                Valkrum is not that bad, given that you get lucky and get a smart party with a lotta time. When I was lvling RDM in Valkrum, I got from 10-18 in one day, one party. But there aren't many good party leaders, so things tend to get messy
                Well, it's like THE place to go for leveling between 10-20, right? I never really got into the whole level grind thing, though. The 14 levels I've gained so far were just a side-effect of all the quests and farming I've done so far.

                There's much truth in your statement about good party leaders, though. I've been in a few parties (and even an alliance) that had poor leadership, and things tend to fall apart quickly if ground rules aren't established and everyone just runs off all willy-nilly.

                However, once Red Mages hit level 40+, they become powerhouse mages with a huge supply of MP available to support a party, with both Convert and Refresh available to them by level 41.
                Bah! Curse them and their foppish red plumed caps!

                /em shakes fist at the world.
                Daos Soulstaff
                Hume WHM 21, BLM 20
                Alchemy 12.6, Fishing 0.1
                Bastok Rank 2

                "Humanity spends way too much time making sure everyone's opinion is heard instead of making sure their opinion is worth hearing." - [GM]Dave


                • #9
                  Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                  Yeah, 10-20 is perferred, but some people go to 25 to avoid Quifim Island


                  • #10
                    Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                    Originally posted by Dopples View Post
                    Yeah, 10-20 is perferred, but some people go to 25 to avoid Quifim Island
                    hey I like the dunes, but a whole 15 lvls in that place? HELL NO!
                    Quifim Island isn't bad. You can get some seriously good XP in that place.


                    • #11
                      Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                      Yeah, but a lot of the time, people haven't grown out of their Valkrum noobishness.


                      • #12
                        Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                        Originally posted by Dopples View Post
                        Yeah, but a lot of the time, people haven't grown out of their Valkrum noobishness.
                        hmm I suppose. I've never actually gotten past Quifim. My highest character was 23, and for some reason around that level I decide to start a new char, basically because I get bored.
                        But now I'm a lvl 10 BLM Taru, and loving it. Hopefully it's a character that'll stick


                        • #13
                          Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                          I don't even know what you could possibly exp on (save solo) in the dunes until 25. But if you moved to another zone there are several alternatives to exp in Qufim. People just go where the crowds are.


                          • #14
                            Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                            I never said they'd solo. They'd lvl with a party in valkrum, usually with a static pt


                            • #15
                              Re: Warriors and Red Mages

                              Did you read my post? There isn't anything to exp on in Valkurm for that long in a party, static or otherwise. If they were solo, they might be able to eke out enough exp to make it worth it, but it would be abysmally slow.

                              The reason people move on to Qufim at 19ish isn't because they just love Qufim, it's because the exp in Valkurm is no longer worth their time.

