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Role Playing LS

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  • Role Playing LS

    Hello everyone, I am Seraphin and Ive started a new character on Cerberus named Raphiel. I have been adventuring as a redmage and so far found it to be the most enjoyable class Ive yet to play...

    Let me get to the point.

    I love RP, alot, I want to get in character and have people who can comunicate in the same fassion to me...

    I have a linkshell called "RadicalDreamers" and I planned on using it for RP ONLY chating. If anyone is interested please notify me either in game via /tell or on here.

    As I said before my character's name is "Raphiel" and I am a redmage from San d'Oria.

    If there are already LS that people know of please let me know, otherwise I plan to make my LS popular among RPers.

    "Sticks and stones will break your bones... Here... Let me show you!!!"
    ~Seraphin (Practicing Black Magic)
    World: Cerberus
    Nation: San d'Oria (and damn proud of it)

  • #2
    Re: Role Playing LS

    I'd be interested in joing. Rdmgouge is my Red Mage's name. I'll try and look you up in game.


    • #3
      Re: Role Playing LS

      I'd be interested in joining, too. I have yet to find a good RP LS. Jess, Monk. I'll locate you in game when I activate my player again on April 1st.


      • #4
        Re: Role Playing LS

        i would like to Join also (Kyero is my chars name) ill find u if u cant find me.


        • #5
          Re: Role Playing LS

          I tried starting my own RP LS and it failed sadly, I will definitely send you a tell in game, I am so glad I decided to ditch Alla and come here. Today is my lucky day I guess.
          Drk 75 War 42 Sam 37 Thf 37 Nin 37 Drg 22 (Next subjob to be leveled)


          • #6
            Re: Role Playing LS

            Originally posted by DrkMateo
            I am so glad I decided to ditch Alla and come here.
            I agree. I just came from Alla.

            This sounds like an awesome idea.

