heyo everyone im a lvl 42 war and im really wanting to get done with rank 5.....yes i knwo waitl vl repeate dont remind me ~.~ i want ot get this done now though and being th epest i am i will do anything to get help x.x aight butim getting alil ahead of myself for now ide be happy if anyone could give me some assitance with 5.1 ~.~ also while im at this i figure we might as well puta mission assistance thread up to suplement people like me....who have very busy high lvl friends and are thusly stuck in ls's full of noobs which annoy me sometimes but its fun to help^_^
i excell at dragon fights....hehe i want to test a theory of mine of a 3 man pt but again im getting off subject im excitable to the point of twitching
anyways i can help with each nations rank 1 missions *as if help is needed*
Ranks 2 san d'oria and windurst
rank 3 windurst (if your doing the dragon and need a person sendme a tell i will leave a pt for a dragon fight o,o i will master the dragons someday!!! lol*isnt a very good DRG ;.;*)
rank 4 through my vast dumb luck obviously
((ihope other people find a listing like this usefull even if we dont come do the mission its always rockin to give advise...wish i had gotten some when i first started i might not have stunted my lvling for others ~.~ bu oh well add to this post or dont im just offeringmy services free of charge dont mind my bazzar comment >.> im using that to con an honest dollar from noobs they make it back fas enough so im not hugely evil))
i excell at dragon fights....hehe i want to test a theory of mine of a 3 man pt but again im getting off subject im excitable to the point of twitching
anyways i can help with each nations rank 1 missions *as if help is needed*
Ranks 2 san d'oria and windurst
rank 3 windurst (if your doing the dragon and need a person sendme a tell i will leave a pt for a dragon fight o,o i will master the dragons someday!!! lol*isnt a very good DRG ;.;*)
rank 4 through my vast dumb luck obviously
((ihope other people find a listing like this usefull even if we dont come do the mission its always rockin to give advise...wish i had gotten some when i first started i might not have stunted my lvling for others ~.~ bu oh well add to this post or dont im just offeringmy services free of charge dont mind my bazzar comment >.> im using that to con an honest dollar from noobs they make it back fas enough so im not hugely evil))