Hi, i'm thinking about making a new char on Caitsith. I like the server name. IS this a good server? Pretty average ah prices? Well populated, or over populated? <Notorious Monster> Hunted hardocre? Or Do you have a chance?
Nice, social, and helpful linkshells willing to help a new player? I'll be be making a new char, not transfering. But I've been playing 4 years.
Had a falling out with someone who bought my friends account on ebay and he happened to keep my friends old position in the ls and broke my shell because I called him out. He's pretty muched flamed the hell outta me and my name is unrightfully blotched. Was a big ls, pretty well known people.
Prolly going to be a Galka MAGE! lol.
Nice, social, and helpful linkshells willing to help a new player? I'll be be making a new char, not transfering. But I've been playing 4 years.
Had a falling out with someone who bought my friends account on ebay and he happened to keep my friends old position in the ls and broke my shell because I called him out. He's pretty muched flamed the hell outta me and my name is unrightfully blotched. Was a big ls, pretty well known people.
Prolly going to be a Galka MAGE! lol.