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Looking to form a levelling party

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  • Looking to form a levelling party

    I'm looking to start a levelling party (Level 26+) that is willing to do some daily levelling. I don't know if it's just me but since hitting level 27 I have found it hard to get into a party (and then couple that with trying to find one that is well organized) so I thought maybe some people here would like to start one up. If so leave your char name, jobs, level, where you would like to start levelling and the times you can be on. Hopefully we can get this into full swing.

    27 WAR / 13 MNK
    Looking to level anywhere that we can get some decent exp / chains going
    Time I'm on (until classes start back up): I am on anytime between 12:00PM and 2:00AM EST.
    Angelusforever - Caitsith - Elvaan Male - Rank 4 - Hero Fame All Around - Title: ??? - Currently bringing NIN to 37
    THF 37 / WAR 32 / MNK 26 / NIN 21 / PLD 15 / WHM 13 / DRK 11 / RNG 10 / SAM 10 / BLM 7 / DRG 4 / RDM 1 / BST 1 / BRD 1
    Bastok - EternalSlayers

    Current Equipment:
    Main: Windurstian Kukiri
    Sub: Windurstian Kukiri
    Range: Chakram
    Ammo: N/A
    Head: Emperor's Hairpin
    Neck: Spike Necklace
    Earrings: Drone Earring / Drone Earring
    Body: Mercenary Captain's Doublet
    Hands: Battle Gloves
    Rings: Ametrine Ring / Ametrine Ring
    Back: Nomad's Mantle
    Waist: Mercenary Captain's Belt
    Legs: Magna M Chausses (Elvaan RSE)
    Feet: Leaping Boots

    NM Stats:
    Drop Obtained / Times Fought / Times Seen

    Leaping Lizzy: 0 / 5 / 7
    Hoo Mjuu The Torrent 0 / 8 / 16
    Stray Mary: 2 / 4 / 4
    Jagged Ear Jack: 1 / 3 / 3
    Dragonclaw Dracos 0 / 1 / 1

  • #2
    Any interest in this still? I don't get alot of hours in but I do get in a few every evening around 5-9 pacific time.

    36 War/15 Mnk/22 Thf/62 Pld/Bst 75/Nin 33/Whm 36/Blm 19/Cor 7
    Full Af X2 • Rank 8 • Alchemy 65

